Low calorie and vegetarian recipes

People in the developed and developing countries are moving more and more towards low calorie and vegetarian recipes. This is because due to unhealthy lifestyles people in the developed countries often suffer from obesity and obesity related disorders. Obesity leads to other disorders as well. Some of the most common obesity related disorders are high blood pressure, diabetes, high chances of heart stroke, fatigue, etc. Hence more and more people are turning towards low calorie and vegetarian recipes.

Most of the recipe sites have thousands of recipes in different categories including low calorie and vegetarian recipes. The recipes are arranged in such a manner that any recipe can be found out in a few minutes. Low calorie and vegetarian recipes are very good for health as they are less fatty and they contain more vitamins, proteins, etc. It is fatty foods and foods with high calorie that often lead to obesity related disorders. Low calorie and vegetarian recipes keep fat at minimum levels in the body. Low calorie and vegetarian recipes stress on lesser and lesser sugar intake. Low calorie and vegetarian recipes depend more on the intake of vitamins that are so vital for the overall health of the body.

Cholesterol is also one of the most dreaded disorders in the body. Hence low calorie and vegetarian recipes stress on minimal cholesterol intake. You should also limit your salt intake and use more of herbs and spices in exchange of salt. The herbs and the spices bring out the flavors that you would simply love to have again and again. Low calorie and vegetarian recipes also stress on increasing the consumption of complex carbohydrates. You should avoid processed and preserved foods at all costs and instead have more and more of fresh and natural foods. You should have more of raw fruits and vegetables. You can make your own combinations of salads that you like. Most of the recipe sites have over a hundred salad recipes.

Some of the most common low calorie and vegetarian recipes are bean sprouts (calories – 167 per cup), brown bread (calories – 70 per bread slice), fresh cream (calories – 229 per serving), fresh curd (calories – 63 per cup). Cottage cheese also has very less number of calories. You can also ask your dietician or fitness instructor for low calorie and vegetarian recipes as they study each patient’s case and then suggest the best diet for them. You should stick to their plan in order to have a fit and a healthy life.