Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

In past years it was thought that cardiovascular exercise, such as running, was the best way to burn fat. However, nowadays experts have switched their beliefs to a more intense workout, such as weightlifting for the best results when trying to lose weight. Resistance workouts get the body working quickly and burning fat even quicker. […]

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Pilates para Golf

Vídeo promocional del nuevo método de Pilates adaptado para jugadores de golf. El método de Pilates para golf ha sido diseñado por Juanjo Suárez y Laura Izquierdo, licenciados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, e instructores de Pilates titulados en Universal PIlates, escuela certificada por la PMA (Pilates Method Alliance). Ambos dirigen sus propios centros en Canarias y son instructores de Pilates de varios jugadores y profesores de golf. MEJORA TU SWING Pilates para Golf nos puede ayudar enormemente a mejorar nuestro desempeño en este apasionante deporte, trabajando aspectos que influyen en nuestro golpeo. -Trabajo de la musculatura del núcleo (core). -Desarrollo de la conciencia corporal. -Aumento de la movilidad articular -Coordinación y equilibrio. PREVENCIÓN DE LESIONES En el Pilates para golf se trabaja el cuerpo de los golfistas, potenciando el desarrollo de su musculatura central y estabilizadora (abdomen, caderas, espalda baja). Esto, aparte de contribuir a un aumento de potencia en el swing, nos ayuda a proteger más eficazmente la columna vertebral. Puedes ampliar información en www.pilatesparagolf.com
Time:01:43 More inSports

At Home Skin Care Making a Chocolate Honey Scrub | Revitol Skin Care Free Offers

bit.ly – Why not get the best skin care products? Skin care products can be unsafe, and don't work well. The best natural skin care products work well, are safe to use and reasonably priced.
Time:02:34 More inEducation

Weight Loss Pills

There are thousands of methods suggested by experts to lose weight. Losing excessive weight assumes prime importance because people with excessive weight have a higher risk of suffering from disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart stroke. Also excessive weight leads to inactiveness of the body where the person can’t do tasks quickly. Hence it is necessary to lose weight as quickly as possible and keep yourself motivated to maintain the lost weight.

Weight loss pills are one of the most adopted methods to lose weight. The weight loss pills market is a multi billion market today. Weight loss pills are normally consumed by people in the developed countries. To be frank a combination of proper diet and exercise will help you to lose weight more effectively. People who aren’t enough motivated to eat less and exercise resort to taking weight loss pills. However many of the weight loss pills available in the market are counterfeit. Hence it is necessary to ask your doctor to suggest you for which brand you should go.

Normally there are two types of weight loss pills available in the market viz : prescription pills and non-prescription pills. Prescription weight loss pills require the approval of the FDA. Phentermine and Xenical are examples of prescription weight loss pills. These drugs have undergone a set of clinical tests to prove their effectiveness before entering the market. The non-prescription weight loss pills are available over the counter and they have undergone minimum FDA regulation. Herbalife and Metabolife and other herbal weight loss pills come under the non prescription pills category.

Hence we see that weight loss pills are specifically manufactured to treatment of obesity. Weight loss pills will work definitely if they are used in with proper diet and exercise. However it is necessary to ask your doctor which type of weight loss pills to go for and take weight loss pills exactly according to the doctor’s instructions. Research shows that weight cannot be lost only by consuming weight loss pills. Exercise and a proper diet are equally important. Before taking any weight loss pills do not forget to ask your doctor the side effects and dangers of weight loss pills. Recently there were reports that the FDA had banned weight loss pills which used ephedra. Hence it is necessary to consult your doctor before taking any weight loss pills. The doctor will be able to explain the benefits, side effects and other factors of the weight loss pills.