Manduka Mat

DISCOUNT LINK WWW.AMAZON.COM Customer Reviews: "So, i'm new to Yoga and wanted a quality mat. I weight in at 325lbs and stand over 6'3 (football player build) so I was looking for something with good knee support. I bought the Eco mat and this one, promptly returned the Eco mat. I am a serious consumer and research every purchase to the point of silliness.. I did experience the slipping when I first started, then my instructor suggested to scrub off the shipping film ( much like manduka recommends) – No more slipping…. Support of the is mat is really awesome (knees feel great in child pose or other knee intensive poses), grip is great ( I practice with a towel since i'm a sweaty one), and the length is just right. Not sure why people dislike the bag- There are 2 compartments, maybe they are trying to stuff the mat in the wet clothes side…? Anyways- I love the bag, works great, fits my large shoulders… I usually go for coffee and the market after practice, carry this mat and bag the entire time- Since im a dude and sort of stacked, I dont even notice the weight….. Any questions? Also remember to roll it up with the floor side to the inside of the roll- That way when you unroll it, it will not curl at the ends…. Also if you care about status- I dont know what the hell i'm doing at yoga, but people do notice and comment on my awesome mat- Where did you get it? they say…… :)" "I've owned the mat for about a month now and in that time it has performed just as I <b>…</b>
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