Manduka Mat

DISCOUNT LINK WWW.AMAZON.COM Customer Reviews: "So, i'm new to Yoga and wanted a quality mat. I weight in at 325lbs and stand over 6'3 (football player build) so I was looking for something with good knee support. I bought the Eco mat and this one, promptly returned the Eco mat. I am a serious consumer and research every purchase to the point of silliness.. I did experience the slipping when I first started, then my instructor suggested to scrub off the shipping film ( much like manduka recommends) – No more slipping…. Support of the is mat is really awesome (knees feel great in child pose or other knee intensive poses), grip is great ( I practice with a towel since i'm a sweaty one), and the length is just right. Not sure why people dislike the bag- There are 2 compartments, maybe they are trying to stuff the mat in the wet clothes side…? Anyways- I love the bag, works great, fits my large shoulders… I usually go for coffee and the market after practice, carry this mat and bag the entire time- Since im a dude and sort of stacked, I dont even notice the weight….. Any questions? Also remember to roll it up with the floor side to the inside of the roll- That way when you unroll it, it will not curl at the ends…. Also if you care about status- I dont know what the hell i'm doing at yoga, but people do notice and comment on my awesome mat- Where did you get it? they say…… :)" "I've owned the mat for about a month now and in that time it has performed just as I <b>…</b>
Time:01:06 More inSports

43 Major Medical Studies Reveal Exercise Does NOT Cause Meaningful Weight Loss

Dr. Baron, MD, with University of California San Francisco Medical School reviews a "meta analysis," which in this case, is a compilation and summary of 43 published major medical studies. These 43 clinical weight loss studies include 3476 participants. Overall, adding exercise to a weight loss diet resulted in what is statistically (and practically) no difference in weight loss. The "difference" between diet only and diet and exercise was only 1.1 kg. A kg is 2.2 lbs; therefore, the total added weight loss benefit from several months of exercise versus diet alone was only 2.4 lbs TOTAL. Increasing the intensity of the exercise in the studies increased the OVERALL weight loss FROM 2.4 lbs to 3.3 lbs. That means that when test subjects worked much harder for several months' that these trials lasted they lost, on average, an additional 0.9 lbs (less than 1 lb). This doctor did state elsewhere in the video that exercise does have other health benefits; however, meaningful weight loss is not one of them. There is a physiological reason for that.
Time:01:32 More inEducation

Patient Testimonial: Eve Gardner

Eve Gardner was healthy one day and sick the next day. She suffered excruciating pain she compared to shards of glass ripping through her insides. UC San Diego Dr. Elisabeth McLemore performed a robotic surgery on Eve to treat ulcerative colitis. When she woke up from her surgery, she instantly knew she was better.
Time:02:10 More inNews & Politics