Cellulite solving potions and other expensive anti-aging creams actually do nothing in terms of improving a person’s appearance. Anti-aging expert knew all of these. This is the reason why a world-renowned expert on dermatology has warned people to stop buying commercial anti-aging creams.
A British anti-aging expert dermatologist said that consumers must do a “reality check” regarding the way people are very enthusiastic about turning back the clock and trying all sorts of anti-aging products to look younger.
According to John Mc. Grath, a professor and an anti-aging expert, the messages about these anti-aging creams are rather skeptical and harsh. True that when you rub all these creams to your face, your skin may feel really nice, but the truth is it really does nothing to your skin.
According to the anti-aging expert, any of them may even cause damage especially when the chemicals being used are too strong. John Mc. Grath also added that the market values of anti-aging creams are very strong. Consumers are captivated by its glossy and beautiful packages which are most of the time groundless out of a flimsy and weak science. Of course, anti-aging expert and other specialist very well understand that notion, however, the public remains blinded by them.
Anti-aging expert Mc. Grath will address the Australians that would meet in the Gold Coast, a very controversial review about the anti-cellulite and anti-aging industry. He has an estimated $1500-$2000 expenditure of an average Australian adult on skin care products which mostly promises a captivating anti-aging effect.
True it is that most of these anti-aging products have a solid scientific analysis and discoveries that took place in laboratories, however, the benefits of these products often does not apply to real living skin.
Anti-aging expert Mc. Grath added that in a lot of cases, active ingredients are very much diluted thus making it inactive, it barely penetrates the skin for it to make a great difference. He also said that it is really impossible to know the real effect since the clinical tests and trials are small scale and with only subjective and vague criteria for measurement as compared to the reality that is happening in the skin.
Many anti-aging experts have already warned the people about creams having a claim that they produce an effect like that of a botox. Anti-aging expert would say that there isn’t any topical product that can level up to the effect made by muscle paralysis treatment.
The best advice that anti-aging experts could give if you want to maintain a youthful skin is to have a good diet, abstain from smoking, using simple moisturizers and definitely avoid sun exposure which can greatly damage the skin.