Child health concerns

Accidental injuries are the #1 cause of death in children. Over 120,000 children are permanently disabled in accidents each year, and about 1,930 kids die because of accidents. These accidents include car crashes, drowning, gun accidents, fire, and brain injuries. Many of these types of accidents are completely preventable by taking a little more care and precaution. Car crashes alone cause up to 3,450,000 injuries per year.

Cancer kills about 500 kids per year. The types of cancers range from lung cancer to skin cancer. Unfortunately, children cannot prevent the adults in their lives from smoking, so there is little they can do to prevent lung cancer. Skin cancer, however, they can have some control over by using sunscreens, hats, whatever they can to protect their skin from the sun.

Depression also is a child health concern. It seems to be on the rise and treatment can be expensive and take a long time. If the child goes on medication, they must be monitored constantly as the threat of suicide increases.

Child health concerns figures worldwide are staggering. Almost 11 million children die before their 5th birthday. 3 of the biggest culprits for this are measles, mumps, and diarrhea. Millions more children suffer learning, physical, and mentally disabilities, as a result of these completely treatable, and preventable diseases.

In the last 10 years, over 2 million children have died as a direct result of wars. Six million more have been seriously injured or permanently disabled, and over one million have been orphaned or separated from their families.

Exploitation is another growing child health concern. About 171 million children work in hazardous conditions around the world, and nearly 75 million additional work, just not in as hazardous conditions. 2 million children, mostly girls, are believed to be sold into sexual slavery. In over 30 countries, over 300,000 children, some as young as 8, are pushed into wars as soldiers

World hunger is a truly horrifying truth. Every year 15 million children die of hunger. One in 12 people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5. For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch for 5 years.

The only long term solution to these problems is education. Until these children are helped with their immediate needs, and then educated, these cycles of sickness, abuse and exploitation will continue.