Weight Loss

Weight loss is very much necessary in case you have gained a lot of weight. This is because gaining weight is the root cause of several types of disorders like high blood pressure, depression, high sugar levels and increase chances of heart attack. Your weight loss under such circumstances improves the condition of your body while extra weight affects you negatively as it poses a lot of health risks of view and also decreases your overall quality of life. Hence weight loss is extremely necessary to get back in shape and also prevent all the above mentioned health related disorders from happening in the future.

You should consult a doctor or a specialist who will guide you well on how to go about for weight loss. Your doctor will guide you and put you through a weight loss regime that you will have to follow strictly according the doctors guidelines. The method of treatment for weight loss differs from person to person. Once you begin your weight loss regime you should stick to it. Many people show a lot of enthusiasm in the beginning in the weight loss programs but gradually lose all interest. Also timely weight loss will help you in maintaining your figure.

In order to go for weight loss you should know what to eat and when to eat. Also it is necessary to follow an exercise regime as a combination of exercise and diet to help you in a quick weight loss. Many people have a wrong notion that in order to have weight loss one should eat less food. The secret to getting a weight loss is to just avoid fatty foods like cheese, butter, oily foods etc. You should adopt a healthy diet consisting of salads, fruits and vegetables that will keep your stomach full and at the same time help in your weight loss program.

Remember to pursue the path to weight loss seriously. Ask yourself whether you will be able to follow the weight loss regime and for how much time will you follow it. It is not so difficult; you just have to keep yourself motivated. The bottom line is that weight loss is neither very easy nor very difficult. Its just a matter of how serious you are about your weight loss that matters. But if you follow the doctor’s or the dietician’s instructions carefully and regularly then you’ll surely lose weight quickly. Remember not to starve yourself for weight loss. Starving yourself will just add to your woes as you will feel hungrier and that way you tend to eat even more than you normally do.

Jogging and Weight Loss

It is commonly known fact that exercise is needed for healthy weight loss. Exercise does not necessarily mean lifting weights either. There are many ways to get the cardiovascular exercise you need including walking, running, jogging, swimming, or even your favorite sport. Today, I plan to cover jogging because there are certain ways that jogging […]

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Sports nutrition

Nutrition is branch of science that studies effects of food that we eat on our health. This obviously means that when you study the effect of your food on your sport activity, it becomes sports nutrition. Sports in itself is a big industry and hence sports nutrition also has become a big industry.
The sporting activity consumes lot of energy. So sports nutrition should include the diet which will provide the sportsman with extra and fast energy. Similarly we know that certain sports require certain type of stamina. So it is obvious that providing sports specific nutrition must be a good challenge for the dietician.
The food that we consume contains carbohydrates. These provide energy to a person.
These carbohydrates get broken in to small parts as glucose, or sugars. They are absorbed by body and used, when energy is required. For sportsman, muscle contraction needs energy. So consumption of carbohydrates is necessary for a sportsman for his energy needs. To determine what sort of carbohydrates a sportsman should consume will be job of sports nutrition science. Also note that different types of games will require different types of carbohydrates. Thus sports nutrition will answer all your questions regarding consumption of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates stored as glycogen are ready source of energy. The sports nutrition covers, study of when these glycogen levels are maximum. It is clear that a sportsman should start his exercise when his glycogen level is maximum. The sports nutrition also studies how fast this glycogen is consumed during the exercises. The need of exercise varies from sport to sport. The sports nutrition also covers the study of making up for the lost glycogen fast.
The sports nutrition also includes study of different types of foods containing different types of carbohydrates. Simple sugars are absorbed by the body very fast. They provide instant, fast energy to the sportsman. Fruit and energy drinks are simple sugars, providing immediate energy to the sportsman. Cereals, grains, their breads, provide you complex carbohydrates. These take more time to get broken as glucose or simple sugars in digestive process. Starch is most important carbohydrate in sports nutrition, for energy requirements as it provides conversion in to glycogen.
Fat is another source of energy, which is used by the sportsman. The sports nutrition throws interesting light on this controversial topic. We know that any excess calorie intake by the body is converted in to fat. The first important point is fat provides insulation cover to our organs. Thus we must have enough fat to provide security to body organs .The fat also gives good cushion to body. This is extremely useful in the sports.
The study of fats is also in sports nutrition. Thus we have covered some points in sports nutrition.

Stretch Mark Treatment.wmv

WARNING: The cosmetic companies are lying to you! STOP buying all those EXPENSIVE stretch mark creams and lotions! They are nothing but advertising hype and empty promises. You MUST read this first: Feeling sorry for yourself when you see those ugly stretch marks when you look in the mirror won't make them go away. Ask yourself this: How good would it feel to wake up in the morning and see that those embarrassing stretch marks have vanished? How great would it be to show off your stretch mark free body in a new bikini on your next vacation? How wonderful it would be if you didn't have to insist the light be turned off before lovemaking because you just can't bear the thought of your lover seeing all those hideous stretch marks? It's time to wake up: All the expensive lotions and creams with exotic chemical ingredients in the entire world can NEVER have enough strength to remove permanent stretch marks. All those lotions and creams you have spent thousands on over the years have been nothing but a huge waste of money! My name is Lynne Taylor, and I'm a 34-year-old mom of one. I eat right, I exercise regularly and really, I look pretty good with my clothes on. But up until recently I still felt ashamed when I went on my vacation with my family. You see, during my pregnancies, I didn't just get stretch marks on my stomach; I got them on my breasts, and on the tops and backs of my thighs as well. When my family went on vacation and were having a great time swimming and <b>…</b>
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SesiĆ³n 2 Tai chi primera parte

Bienvenidos a la sesión 2 de Tai Chi primera parte del programa PIENSA EN TÍ…TOMATE UN BREAK! Dedique un espacio para la realización dentro de su tiempo libre. Cualquier inquitud o comentario por favor hagalo por este medio , escriba a practicasaludables@gmail.com o directamente en la Universidad Libre.
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