Online Shopping for NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder | Hanyaw ! Online Shopping

NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder is specially formulated for children aged 1 year and above. It contains important nutrients to fulfill the specific nutritional needs at this age. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder for your child's optimal growth and development, NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder provides high quality protein; essential fatty acids including DHA and ARA; and 25 important vitamins and minerals – including iron to build red blood cell and calcium for development of strong bones and teeth. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder support your child's immunity against infections, NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains BL BIFIDUS, an active probiotic (good bacteria) that help fight against harmful bacteria in the digestive system. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains nutrients such as selenium, zinc, vitamins A, C and E to support immune function. 900g X 1 Tin From 1 year to 3 years NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder with Protect Grow contains key nutrients in concentrated form to fulfill the specific nutritional needs at this age. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains naturally active cultures of BL Bifidus that promotes healthy intestinal microflora. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder improved protein and fat blend which includes moderated mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acid for better utilisation. Good to know NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder is a growing up milk for chidren from 1 year to 3 years. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains the right balance <b>…</b>
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