P90x Cardio X Workout

So this is me doing the P90x Cardio X DVD! You can watch me "burn off the goo" as Tony Horton would say. I burned 723 calories in this workout!! So I really did "burn off the goo" ! It was great and I was sweating hard by the end….. So if you are interested in learning how you too can "burn off the goo", then visit my website; beachbodycoach.com or feel free to message me with any questions that you may have!!
Time:02:54 More inEntertainment

“Mt Wudang, the birthplace of Tai Chi and Kung Fu” Leon1974’s photos around Wudang Shan, China

A TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow of a travel blog to Wudang Shan, China by TravelPod blogger Leon1974 titled "Mt Wudang, the birthplace of Tai Chi and Kung Fu". TravelPod is a company of TripAdvisor™. Leon1974's travel blog entry: "(Leon says) 28 hours train, 5 hours bus, then 4 hours trekking later, we've finally escaped the concrete jungle of Shanghai and arrived on Mount WuDang 1500 metes high and the birthplace of the Tai Qi Quan (Tai Chi) after a Taoist monk in the 14th century saw a heron fighting a snake (or something). We stayed in a bathroom-less hostel next to the monastery on the peak, sharing with Taoist monks and some noisy tourists. Seeing the sunrise from the mountain, the Wu Dang kung fu masters in action,the monkeys and the amazing scenery made it worth all the blood sweat and tears getting here!" Read and see more at: www.travelpod.com Photos from this trip: 1. ". WuDang Shan" 2. ". Donkeys by the temple" 3. ". Monk in shrine" 4. ". Temple atop the mountain" 5. ". Enlightened monk" 6. ". Kung Fu student" 7. ". Proud Pilgrim" 8. ". Fan Dance" 9. ". Maqaque mummy and baby" 10. ". Maqaque valley" 11. ". Kung Fu Student 2" 12. ". more funy signs" 13. ". Kung Fu fighters" See this TripWow and more at tripwow.tripadvisor.com
Time:01:37 More inTravel & Events

Optimum Nutrition Creatine Supplement Review

in this video we review Optimum Nutrition Preload Creatine. Optimum Nutrition also has another creatine product called Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine. Both creatine products contain Creapure creatine. We recommend both these products. INFORMATION ABOUT TWINMUSCLEWORKOUT WE ARE…
Time:02:01 More inHowto & Style