Лёгкий на подъем

А какое действенное средство есть у тебя, чтобы оторваться от "засиженного" места и отправиться «на подвиги-приключения», или хоть бы просто в путь? Впрочем, может быть ты и сам лёгкий на подъем, да ещё и любого неподъёмного «выцарапаешь из берлоги». А вот меня сегодня из квартиры вытягивала целая толпа велосипедистов. Если это попробовать представить, то выглядеть это будет необычно… / Видеоподкаст к моему блогу об утреннем беге трусцой… / Video podcast about morning jogging to my blog/
Time:07:37 More inPeople & Blogs

Bellydance Fitness for Beginners: Slim Down [Trailer]

www.totalvid.com http twitter.com blog.totalvid.com Veena & Neena Bidasha have practiced bellydance since childhood and traveled throughout the Middle East and India to perform and develop their techniques. They teach popular classes for a wide variety of folk dances from around the world and have performed in film, television, theater, music videos and even during the Academy Awards. Their amazing talent and delightful style will keep you captivated and totally motivated. Belly dance Fitness for Beginners Slim Down is a full-body workout that slims and tones your body through cardiovascular and strength dance moves. Fast belly dancing burns calories, while building cardiovascular endurance. Muscle isolation exercises tone your hips, buns, thighs and abdominals. All these moves interweave belly dance basics. So you are beautifying your body while practicing belly dancing's charms.
Time:01:32 More inSports

Trent Suzuki – Nutrition

Some people want to gain weight, others need to lose weight, Trent Suzuki is Fitness expert and Pro Tips contributor, for over 20 years he's been training top pro's, college and high school athlete's as well as entertainment figures like Steven Tyler, Shaquille O'Neal, Mark Grace, Kim Cattrall, John Lynch and more. In this video Trent talks about nutrition. For video coaching tips and drills from Trent click here bit.ly
Time:01:17 More inSports