WOHLISTIC TRAINING-If you say your kids are dead weight, then lift your kids as dead weight!-Pt 2

There are no excuses not to do things that are important to you in your life…there is only a matter of prioritizing. It is certainly NO different with exercise. We all can come up with many excuses not to do things or why we aren't doing them but all we really are doing is giving into laziness and lethargy. If you want something in your life, you simply make the time for it—PERIOD! We can all find the time we need to do something as important as a 30 min workout 3-4 times a week. If time is a factor for you, and maybe even if it isn't, you can just beef (non-GMO soy beef of course) up the intensity to make each of those minutes really count. If you are willing to push yourself out of your dainty little comfort zone of a slow walk on the treadmill or elliptical, and use your entire body, you can easily get a great workout…even without any equipment. Your bodyweight is plenty enough…for many it's actually too much! Not only will you burn calories at a highly elevated rate for 48 hours after this type of workout, specifically targeting fat (which really tends to store around your midsection quite a bit), but you'll feel great, very positive and have tons of energy! When you push yourself hard like this for 20-45 minutes, you'll really oxygenate your cells and fill your body with plenty of Prana. Health is your only real Wealth…well maybe Wisdom also, but without health you can't even gather wisdom. So eat a clean, plant based diet, heavy on the greens, super hydrate <b>…</b>
Time:10:24 More inEducation

Silky smooth legs & Giveaway!

This giveaway will close on April 9th. This is the link for this exfoliator at Tropical Traditions www.tropicaltraditions.com This is the link for my shaving routine video. www.youtube.com Follow me on my blog at www.lenigirly.blogspot.com Steps in order to enter this giveaway. 1. Subscribe to my channel. 2. For a bonus entry to this giveaway subscribe to Tropical Tradition's e-mail Sales Newsletter by clicking this link www.tropicaltraditions.com 3. Leave only one comment on this video's page (not my channel's home page) saying "Enter Me. 4. You must be 18 years of age or older. 5. This giveaway is open for the US & Canada. These 5 items are the rules for this giveaway. Extra information For bonus entries into this giveaway, you may also follow Tropical Traditions on on Twitter @troptraditions. Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. Note for Canadian bloggers: Tropical Traditions is not responsible for customs or duties that Canada may charge if you decide to participate in this Tropical Traditions sponsored blog giveaway. Music: Me Love by Sean Kingston
Time:08:12 More inHowto & Style