Calorie Counter and More

This simple to use excel file allows you to track how many calories you consume each day. Then takes this number and converts to approximate lb of fat. This blew my mind when I compiled it! It creates a level of self accountability, which is missing in most diet and exercise plans!! Excel File Available Below:
Time:11:52 More inHowto & Style

Chanhassen Fitness Revolution and Workout Muse ABS Workout – Chanhassen fitness expert shares a workout for the new ABS (abs, butt, shoulders) program from Workout Muse. Workout Muse is a custom music interval training system and has been clinically proven to improve exercise motivation and performance. The NEW Official ABS Soundtrack and Program Design from Workout Muse is the perfect solution to get a lean, tight tummy that exudes fitness and sex appeal. For more information visit http The Fitness Revolution in Chanhassen is a weight loss and fitness center like no other. In fact, it's "the anti-gym." The Fitness Revolution is quite different than other local Chanhassen health clubs. It features cost-effective fitness programs led by trained and certified fitness experts. There are no enrollment fees, membership rates or other costs beyond your chosen program. In addition, unlike other Chanhassen personal training programs, The Fitness Revolution provides a money-back guarantee. The flagship program at The Fitness Revolution will be Chanhassen's #1 boot camp program, Look Great at the Lake Boot Camp. Look Great at the Lake Boot Camp is a 30-minute rapid fat loss and fitness boot camp featuring a custom music interval training system and scientifically designed training protocols that have been proven to burn nine times more fat than ordinary exercise. For more information visit
Time:08:20 More inHowto & Style

Master Chen Bing Demonstration (2010)

This is the demonstration performed at the 2010 Asian festival in Columbus, OH. Master Chen Bing is the 20th descendant of the Chen family taijichaun. The chen taiji is known to be the first style of modern taiji. From then came the popular Yang style, then the sun/wu/he styles. I do not know enough about the sun/wu/he style to mention it properly. I say "modern taiji" because tai chi was known to be created by Zhang Sanfeng, and from that comes wudang taiji, but this has been said to be a myth and no one can know for sure. I personally believe in Zhang Sanfeng. You can believe whatever you want. Enjoy! ps you can probably hear me and my girlfriend whispering.
Time:07:07 More inSports

How To Lose Weight Fast In A Week? – Tips On How To Lose Weight Fast At Home Naturally

Go to: How to lose weight fast and easily in a week? Is it possible to lose weight fast at home naturally? Losing weight is something that is really challenging, however you can lose weight fast if you know the secrets to it.…
Time:10:18 More inHowto & Style

A importância de um pré-natal bem feito

Neste depoimento, o ginecologista e obstetra Marcelo Mulatinho fala sobre a importância e necessidade de um bom pré-natal para todas as gestantes, sem exceção. Segundo ele, um bom acompanhamento médico durante toda a gravidez garante a maior parte dos partos tranqüilos e saudáveis para mãe e bebê, e ainda pode ajudar a prevenir e tratar doenças como obesidade, diabetes gestacional, hipertensão arterial e outras complicações, como varizes, trombose eo nascimento do bebê antes da hora (prematuridade). Dr. Marcelo Mulatinho é membro da Cooperativa de Ginecologistas do Recife (Cogire), ligada ao Hospital Memorial São José. Para mais vídeos e dicas sobre gravidez e cuidados com o bebê, acesse: A Minha Gravidez é uma realização do Portal NE10 (, com o patrocínio de: Hospital Memorial São José, Hospital Santa Joana, Vaccine e fraldas Baby & Baby.
Time:03:51 More inEntertainment