Base Supplements and Performance Enhancement Supplements

My take on what I think the supplements that you should take (if you have your diet and training in check) as you foundation as well as some performance enhancement supplements. Facebook Fan Page: Twitter: httep://
Time:09:34 More inSports


Secca therapy for bowel incontinence or BCD (bowel control disorder) is a minimally invasive and effective bridge between conservative therapy and surgery. Candidates for the Secca procedure experience incontinence at least once a week, have failed conservative therapies (fiber, medications, biofeedback), desire a less invasive treatment than surgery and implants, or are not optimal candidates for surgery. In this patient group, studies have demonstrated that up to 84% of patients experience a significant improvement in incontinence symptoms. Secca therapy involves delivery of radiofrequency energy to the muscles of the anal canal, which results in a change in tissue compliance and corresponding improvement in incontinence symptoms. This outpatient procedure takes approximately 60 minutes. Patients go home approximately 1-2 hours after the procedure and typically resume normal activities within several days. For more information go to
Time:00:50 More inScience & Technology

Piscinex : Les avantages d’un Sauna Infrarouge Apollon

Découvrez les avantages à posséder un sauna infrarouge APOLLON chez soi ! Cette gamme de sauna France Sauna bénéficie de la dernière technologie infrarouge avec ses émetteurs 100% carbone qui présentent de nombreux avantages vis à vis de la santé (meilleure circulation sanguine) ou de la beauté (élimination de la cellulite, perte de calories) Pour plus d'information, n'hésitez pas à visitez notre site .
Time:00:44 More inHowto & Style

Ziboce Tai Chi Forms of year 710 (3) 邵保勝太極拳泰山生氣掛樹踢腳

Peter Z demonstrates his Tai Chi Zen in Lee' Tai Chi forms. Lee Ying Arg quoted in his book, the Tai Chi forms of Hui Xuen Ping, Tong Dynasty of the year 710. Among these forms, some are not popular now. The movies show the details in reference to the Lee Style Tai Chi. 《許宣平太極拳之一》 許宣平拳譜的太極式子,啟發我一些聯想。 許宣平,唐睿宗景雲年間(710年),隱居在城陽山的南塢。 許宣平的太極拳功名曰「三世七」,據言因以三十七式而取名。 此拳又稱長拳。因爲這套拳打法不分何式爲先何式爲後,只要將每式學會,打起來可以相繼不斷,綿綿不絕。 許宣平的太極拳功隱於道門數百年之久,于明朝前期傳于宋遠橋, 此時已經歷十四代。 宋氏後人將此技視爲家傳繼承,然亦有所宣播。 至近代辛亥革命時期,宋氏後人宋書銘將宋氏拳譜公開。 據李英昂指,宋書銘太極拳四十二式,其中三十七式傳自許宣平。 而宋譜中,有幾式不在陳、楊、孫、吳、武太極拳內。 例如:簸箕式、鳳凰展翅、雀起尾、彈指、泰山生氣、掛樹踢腳、推碾。 及四正、四隅、九宮步、七星八步。 我會以The Tai Chi Forms in the year 710 試演這些式子。 邵保勝26. 4. 2011 《許宣平太極拳之二》 我借許宣平續解太極十三勢。 十三勢,即身、手、步之結合。 王宗岳解長拳十三勢,指分開如長江,匯合如大海。 滔滔起落,強度如五行的特性,不分次序,隨機變化。 金:剛勁木:透勁水:柔勁火:爆發勁土:黏勁八卦:座標、方向四正方:手法,中軸出(活如車輪) 掤:單手出捋:單、雙手回擠:雙手中線合出按:雙手中線分出四斜角:身法,槓杆出(立如平準) 採:上下伸縮(海底針) 肘:橫扭(雲手) 靠:傾側(斜飛式) 挒:旋腰(擺蓮) 步法:左、右、進、退、中(七星步、九宮步、連環步) 前、後、顧、盼、定:先、後 <b>…</b>
Time:00:42 More inFilm & Animation

Online Shopping for NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder | Hanyaw ! Online Shopping

NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder is specially formulated for children aged 1 year and above. It contains important nutrients to fulfill the specific nutritional needs at this age. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder for your child's optimal growth and development, NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder provides high quality protein; essential fatty acids including DHA and ARA; and 25 important vitamins and minerals – including iron to build red blood cell and calcium for development of strong bones and teeth. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder support your child's immunity against infections, NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains BL BIFIDUS, an active probiotic (good bacteria) that help fight against harmful bacteria in the digestive system. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains nutrients such as selenium, zinc, vitamins A, C and E to support immune function. 900g X 1 Tin From 1 year to 3 years NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder with Protect Grow contains key nutrients in concentrated form to fulfill the specific nutritional needs at this age. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains naturally active cultures of BL Bifidus that promotes healthy intestinal microflora. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder improved protein and fat blend which includes moderated mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acid for better utilisation. Good to know NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder is a growing up milk for chidren from 1 year to 3 years. NAN Pro 3 Formulated Milk Powder contains the right balance <b>…</b>
Time:00:16 More inPeople & Blogs