2011 is soooo, last year…..

Because more than make-up tutorials, more than outfit-of-the-days…I love you guys and want to inspire you and make you feel more loved and more happy! Make 2012 so great…You can even read my blog everyday for little bits of sparkle and beauty that goes beyond make-up and hair or clothes… www.kandeej.com I love you guys so much and want you to be so happy and full of hope and excitement for your future! I want to help you guys lose weight, get in shape, be happier, feel better, have hope to find love, hope to make your dreams come true, hope to get over hurt, sadness or depression…I want to encourage you so much! More than make-up, more than hair, more than clothes or shoes or DIY projects…I want to make you each, feel beautiful from your heart..feel happier and more loved! I hope this video does that! I love you all so much! huge hugs, love and let's make 2012 amazing! your kandee fight boring at www.kandeej.com my FACEBOOK www.facebook.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com My personal BLOGGY: www.kandeeland.com My other youtube channel www.youtube.com
Time:05:29 More inHowto & Style