Boots anti ageing

In London (Reuters), a mass of shoppers are out in the market trying to surround the boots anti-ageing stores one Friday morning searching for the Holy Grail cosmetics. This is an anti-aging cream which was found to be effective and found to actually work.
In the latest news of the series of stampedes in High Street for the must-have-products, consumers and seasoned shoppers stripped off the shelves of Boots store’s No. 7(boots anti-ageing) labeled Protect& Perfect, a serum than can peter out wrinkles in minutes.
One of the assistants of the Boots anti-ageing Fleet Street, a store situated in central London stated that they really had a large queue of people lined up and waiting for the store to open. She found it amazing that the people rushed in as soon as they opened their doors.
Although the store reinforced the policy of one-per-customer, dozens of these bottles popped up like mushrooms in the World Wide Web and invaded the e-bay. Prices of Boots anti-ageing ranged from 75 pounds per 30ml container which is a greatly large amount as compared to the 17 pound per 30ml bottle in the store.
The retailer of high street had even rushed in an additional 200,000 bottle of lotion to spread in the stores all across UK since they run out of supplies after having published in BBC television. The boots anti-ageing product had its debut in “Horizon” a program in March that reported the effectiveness of the ant-aging cream and that it really worked. The program reported that the cream helped in improving wrinkles on the skin.
Boots stated that boots anti-ageing products Protect and Perfect really produce a younger-looking skin within four weeks of treatment. It enlivens the skin complexion and help reduces the pores appearance and it smoothen wrinkles and face lines.
The sales if the said boots anti-ageing products, which usually run an average of 10,000 pots per month in the year 2005, have overwhelmingly increased after its debut in the said program. The company responsible for this boots anti-ageing products said that it has sold a stock for 21 weeks in just 3 weeks also after Horizon featured the product.
Today, Boots plan to deliver more boots anti-ageing supplies after the weekend back holiday. Spokeswoman woman Ms. Nicola Skelmerdine said to the Reuters that thy had to increase the output for them to be able to meet that growing demand and they already have a rate of producing 1,000 bottle per hour 24 hours a day. This is by far the third major massive scrimmage in 3 weeks time.