Crystallization of Membrane Proteins in Lipidic Mesophases

Watch video protocols on JoVE – Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is a scientific journal publishing video articles on biological experiments filmed at leading research institutions. JoVE is the first video journal indexed in PubMed. To see more of this protocol go to Crystallization of Membrane Proteins in Lipidic Mesophases This video protocol was filmed at The Scripps Research Institute. Membrane proteins perform critical functions in living cells related to signal transduction, transport and energy transformations, and, as such, are implicated in a multitude of malfunctions and diseases. However, a structural and functional understanding of membrane proteins is strongly lagging behind that of their soluble partners, mainly, due to difficulties associated with their solubilization and generation of diffraction quality crystals. Crystallization in lipidic mesophases (also known as in meso or LCP crystallization) is a promising technique which was successfully applied to obtain high resolution structures of microbial rhodopsins, photosynthetic proteins, outer membrane beta barrels and G protein-coupled receptors. In meso crystallization takes advantage of a native-like membrane environment and typically produces crystals with lower solvent content and better ordering as compared to traditional crystallization from detergent solutions. The method is not difficult, but requires an understanding of lipid phase behavior and practice in <b>…</b>
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