Cardio workout

There are diverse approaches in doing cardio workout to burn body fat. You could be recommended low intensity cardio workout for lengthy stretches at a time to burn up body fat. The idea is to prepare at a restrained intensity to get your heart rate to burn body fat. It has been debated time and again that if your heart rate is too high, you will actually burn carbohydrates. High intensity cardio workout allows you to burn more total calories. The low intensity cardio workout is at present being backed as the mainstream approach. This cardio workout is used because of the immense results it gets. Low intensity cardio workout is effective at aiming body fat for energy rather than burning calories.

If you burn fat for energy, you lose body fat. A majority of cardio equipment is fitted with a heart rate display. This helps ensure that you attain the accurate intensity stage to burn body fat. Ten minutes of low intensity cardio can help reach your target heart rate. Recommendations suggest that individuals need to maintain that level for at least thirty minutes for excellent results.

The high intensity cardio workout is used much less than low intensity cardio. This is because it ca be harsh as people need to really push themselves. This cardio workout provides huge results as well. High intensity cardio workout burns more calories than the former because your heart rate is much higher. Calories burned comprise of fat and carbohydrate calories in the body. The idea behind burning calories is to burn more calories than what you consume everyday. Generating a calorie deficit by increased calorie burn helps lose body fat.

At the correct heart low intensity, cardio workout burns body fat. This takes anywhere between 5-10 minutes. This period isn’t too productive at burning body fat. High intensity cardio workout is tough to uphold for long periods despite its effectiveness. If planned well, combining both high intensity and low intensity cardio workout can prove to be beneficial. You need to substitute the unproductive period of the low intensity cardio with high intensity cardio to get better results when followed by low intensity cardio. A treadmill or exercise bike can be set at a high level. You need to push yourself for the initial 10-15 minutes. When your heart rate is at level, maintain it for 10-15 minutes and subsequently switch to low intensity cardio for about 20-30 minutes.