Teen Bodybuilder – Moody Akd – My Bicep Workout .

Some people say that i under train my Arms , and other parts of my body …but , the main reason is because i have been training for a few years now , and these days i do not have to train as hard as i used to , to get results .. the reason for that is because once you do anything but specifically bodybuilding for a certain period of time , your muscles mature and don't need as much work as it did at the start . Another reason is that i am satisfied with my size at the moment , mix up strength movements with pump movements . If you realize during this video , you see a lot of resistance in every movement , and that is the most important for afterburn . Hope ya'll benefit from this video . Credit to my buddy Mohammed Ali Kraishan for Recording it for me . Wanna hate ? have a nice time . Comment , Rate & subscribe .
Time:06:14 More inSports