Big Booty Hoes; I've been getting asked this quite a lot, so I figured I might as well just post a blog about it. Here's what I did to lose 50 pounds in 3 years. First of all, I want everyone to know that it took me three years to lose the weight, it didn't just come off easily. It took tons of determination, motivation, and patience. My mom and I signed up for Weight Watchers in 2007. We went to one meeting every week for 6 months or so, and then I stopped going to the meetings but continues doing what they suggest, which is this; Pay attention to what your stomach is telling you, especially while you are eating. It's important to stop as soon as you start to feel full. It's equally important to eat a snack if you feel hungry two or three hours later. With me, I found I was eating smaller meals every 4 hours or so. I also stopped eating 3 hours before I went to bed. Secondly, I didn't deprive myself of anything. I still ate junk food, I still drank regular pop, I still ate out at restaurants, etc. It's all about portion control and making healthier choices. I started with getting salads instead of fries, however I'd choose fries every now and again simply because I like them. I also started drinking a lot more water, which in return meant I was drinking a lot less pop. Thirdly, don't be hard on yourself. If you have a day where you just binge eat or eat a ton of junk food, then own up to it and don't beat yourself up about it. Trust me, I had quite a few of <b>…</b>
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