It’s Magic Time! Time To Clean The BCIR

So folks, this brief video shows how easy it is to clean and maintain the BCIR. It takes some getting used to, but I'd rather be doing this knowing I am no longer living with the devastating disease, severe ulcerative colitis. I clean my BCIR once a night before I go to bed to help it get well oiled and cleaned. Cleaning the BCIR will also prevent pouchitis. Since living with the BCIR, I have had no symptoms of pouchitis, thus, that is why I clean it once a day. As far as the NPC show goes, "The Machine" is still right on track and will try my best. So there ya go, enjoy the video and I hope you also find it a little funny. I put a little Terminator 2 Judgement Day scene in the video to put a smile on your face. So, everybody enjoy, have a good laugh, and at the same time realize that this is what us BCIR users do every day. I hope this helps out people out there who are suffering from ulcerative colitis and need their colon removed because this is what turned my life around and can turn your life around as well, for the better. I'm greatful for still being alive and was soooo close to death, I hope people realize that this is what ulcerative colitis can do and is doing to people right at this very moment. So folks, family, friends, supporters, and yes, even haters, enjoy the video.
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