Body flex exercise program

The Federal Trade Commission has sued Body Flex for false advertising about their exercise program. Their advertising stated that you could lose at least 14 inches in seven days, guaranteed. However, this is a false claim that they could not back up.

Body Flex claims that the secret to their fat burning, inch losing program, is in their breathing exercises, however, this has been proven false. While it does help, it doesn’t do everything.

Body flex has forgotten the one truth about weight loss. It takes time. Any good, well-respected health physician will tell you that losing that much weight, that fast is extremely unhealthy. It’s dangerous because not only is it a bad shock to your system, it stresses it out so much that other bad side effects could happen. For example, you could start losing sleep due to that stress. And that means your attitude towards life will drastically change. Most of the exercise programs out there focus on fast results, but not many focus on safe results.

It takes a long time to put on an extra twenty, thirty, or more pounds, and it should take about a week to take off each pound. Exercise programs that promise to lose twenty pounds in six weeks, are programs that rely upon grueling workouts and starved diets full of gimmick foods that have few or no calories, but fill you up fast so that you don’t eat too much. What they don’t tell you is that these foods don’t have much nutritive value, so they want to offer you vitamins and supplements to go along with them. If you have to take vitamins, there’s something wrong with your diet.

Another problem is that you have to buy these vitamins, usually after a “free” thirty day trial, and if you don’t continue to take them, your body will start craving foods that have what you want in them- such as hamburgers for the protein in the meats, French fries for the sodium, even things you wouldn’t usually associate with nutritive value. Pizza, for instance, would solve a craving for vitamin C because of the tomato sauce in it, but it wouldn’t be a good thing to eat while you’re dieting, now would it?

Basically, the best thing to do would be to talk to your doctor, and let him or her tell you the best way to take the pounds off that’s the safest for you. Sure, you won’t see the “instant” results that the commercials for these programs offer you, but you can at least rest easy, assured that the program he’ll offer you is safe, secure, and that it really works for you. The doctor knows best, and he’ll give you not only a good exercise program that will get you used to doing exercise again, but he’ll also give you a safe, easy to follow diet plan that won’t starve you for what your body needs.