Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss programs are generally prescribed by dieticians or doctors to patients who suffer from obesity and obesity related disorders. People suffering from obesity have a very high chance of facing many disorders in the future like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart stroke and should immediately seek a weight loss program for themselves. The body also becomes sluggish and the person is not able to move around quickly.

Weight loss programs use a combination of methods and techniques to lose weight more quickly. The weight loss programs may consist of a particular diet to be followed in the week, the set of exercises to be performed during the week and other weight loss supplements to be taken every single day. Weight loss programs may also include supplements like diet pills which can be prescription drugs or non prescription drugs.

The effectiveness of weight loss programs depends a lot on the patient and how he follows the program. Many people follow weight loss program with much enthusiasm in the beginning but soon lose interest and are back to their own old ways. In fact they may become more obese than before. Hence a weight loss program can be made successful only with the help of proper co ordination of efforts between the dietician and the patient. In the next paragraph let me give you an example of a weight loss program for people who would like to lose 10-17 lbs per week.

Let’s begin with a sample weight loss program. In the next seven days you should not drink any alcohol and also drink lots of water, preferably 10-15 glasses per day. On the first day you can have fruits and vegetables. You can have fruits like watermelon or fruits of your choice. On day two you should eat cooked or raw vegetables though preference should be given to raw vegetables. On day three you can proceed with a mixture of fruit and vegetables. You can decide the quantities to be consumed. On day four you can have only bananas and milk. Have up to 8 bananas and 4 glasses of milk. On day 5 you can indulge yourself in some really good food like beef, tomatoes and burgers. Again have them in limit. On day six you can have fish and vegetables. Day seven will consist of fruits, vegetables and brown rice. This is an example of a supplements free weight loss program.

This was just one example of a weight loss program. There are a lot of weight loss programs prescribed by dieticians worldwide. The choice of a weight loss program differs from case to case. For example, some people maybe only slightly obese while many people might be comparatively more.