Homemade acne treatments

If you are on vacation without your usual pharmacy nearby when you discover spots, or you just want to try a more natural approach to combating acne, there are many home made acne treatments that really work. Homemade acne treatments probably started with Cleopatra and have been improved on since then. The Queen of the Nile would never squeeze pimples and neither should you. This spreads the bacteria and bruises the tender tissue, and may even result in scarring.
Fundamentals include cleansing twice daily with a mild cleanser. You may like to follow this with splashes of water that is combined with either vinegar or lemon juice, to complement the slightly acidic nature of skin. Many homemade acne treatments are applied at night before bed and make the condition noticeably better by morning. These treatments that are both effective and popular include putting toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, or icing the pimple each morning and evening. Both of these reduce swelling. You may also want to try dabbing egg white (doesn’t have to be whipped) on your pimple and leave on for at least 20 minutes, preferably overnight. This is supposed to “suck out” the greasy, nasty stuff. An absolutely tried and true remedy is washing your face twice a day in warm salty water to remove and reduce oil on your face.
A luxurious sounding and natural treatment consists of placing strawberry leaves on the acne. The alkalinity of the leaves helps reduce the swelling. Homemade masks can be a vital aid in clearing up breakouts and preventing them by unclogging the pores and washing away the debris. Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples or soak a paper towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.
Cucumbers blended into a paste can be applied as a mask on your face for acne or sunburn relief. Leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This is both refreshing your skin and preventative. For a change you may want to try corn flour mixed with egg white. Apply on your face and allow drying completely for perhaps 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water to reconstitute this mask and massage your face before washing off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin, as does a simple oatmeal honey mask applied in the same manner.
The important thing is to try a few remedies and then stick religiously to the ones that work for your. Even more crucial is to devise a program, not only for acne but also for skin care in general, that you enjoy enough to continue through life. This is the way to permanently glowing clear skin.