HealthBuzz ep13: Make Over Your TV Habits

More HealthBuzz at: According to the 2010 American Time Use Survey, people in the US over the age of 15 on average spend almost three hours PER day watching TV. Many health and fitness professionals argue that we need to reduce our screen time, but that doesn't mean you have to miss your favorite shows. In this Episode of Health Buzz, we're talking about how you can make watching TV into something that fosters healthy habits. Prevention's Healthy TV Awards This month, Prevention has come out with the first ever Healthy TV Awards, which highlight shows with the best messages and role models for healthy lifestyles. It covers a range of programming, from reality TV to medical dramas and sitcoms. They even single out a few shows as "losers" that encourage unhealthy behaviors. Source: Behind the Scene of Reality-TV Workouts Fitness writer Lara McGlashan goes behind the scenes of all our favorite reality fitness shows, to see what the trainers are like off-screen. She works out with Harvey Walden of Celebrity Fit Club, Brett Hobel from the Biggest Loser, and Jakie Warner of Thinervention. Source: Courtney Croizer's Biggest Loser Season 12 Recaps We're super excited to have Courtney Croizer of season 11 bringing us recaps of the newest season of The Biggest Loser. Season 12 has started strong–so if you missed the first two episodes, don't worry, Courtney has the scoop. You'll get the insider's perspective of what's going down on <b>…</b>
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