
The videos that follow were created approximately 5 years ago with the intent for them to be a "test run". The plan was to eventually create a full length video incorporating all of them in addition to other information related to weight loss and weight maintenance through a combination of a healthy diet and nutrition, exercise (with a focus on weight training and resistance as seen in these videos), and rest. Please consult your doctor prior to doing any of these exercises (or any exercise for that matter) and keep in mind that these videos are not meant as a substitute to working with a personal trainer. If done improperly, exercise can cause more harm than good. I will be working to put these exercises in order, but as a general rule you want to work out the largest muscle groups first (ie: your quads or front of your thighs) working down to the smallest muscle groups (ie: your triceps or back of your upper arms). With each muscle group, you should be working the muscle(s) "to failure". What this means is that you continue to do the exercise until it is physically impossible for you to continue the exercise as the muscle(s) involved literally gives way to shaking, inability to move, etc.. If you are unable to maintain proper form or complete the exercise despite how hard you are trying, this also qualifies as failure. When you have reached failure in one particular exercise, it is time to move on to the next exercise. It is normal to feel "spent" after a good workout <b>…</b>
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