Manila Coco – Organic 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Nutritional Supplement – 16 oz (474ml) Natural Appetite Suppressant with No Liver Strain : NO UNPROVEN EXOTIC SUBSTANCES, Non-pill, Non-powder, Liquid-fast

Manila Coco’s Virgin Coconut Oil liquid supplement for appetite control and weight loss contains largely the optimum amount of beneficial medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), which are easily digestible, thus promote metabolism faster than other dietary oils. NO MIXTURE OF UNPROVEN EXOTIC SUBSTANCES, but simply coconut, a 5000 yr old therapeutic fruit. It is distinct from unsaturated hydrogenated vegetable fats, and saturated animal fats (lard/shortening), pre-dominated by long chain fatty acids (LCFA) – both fatty acid groups have been medically traced to cause weight gain, and many of the deadly degenerative diseases (obesity, diabetes, etc). … VCO’s MCFAs are not only burned for energy production, but they encourage the burning of LCFAs as well. Dr. Julian Whitaker, well-known authority on health and nutrition, makes this analogy between long chain triglycerides (LCT) and medium chain triglycerides (MCT): “LCTs are like heavy wet logs that you put on a small campfire. Keep adding the logs, and soon you will have more logs than fire. MCTs are like rolled up newspaper soaked in gasoline. They not only burn brightly, but will burn up the wet logs as well.” … Published studies showed that high polyunsaturated oil of corn and soy are good choices as livestock animal feeds. These worked so well to suppress thyroid functions, decreasing the animals’ metabolic rates, and are therefore fattening. … Cataloged researches revealed that Monolaurin, the monoglyceride of VCOs lauric acid (C 12) inside the body has shown broad-spectrum antiseptic action against bacteria, fungi, and drug-resistant viruses. No small wonder, these make our VCO excellent liquid-fast dietary supplement for appetite suppressant and weight loss by itself, or even mixed with other prepared foods, juice drinks/smoothies, or other beverages. So with proper diet and exercise, losing weight with VCO has never been easy and so much fun for the enlightened “weight loser”.

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