Can Colon Cleansing Really Help Me Lose Weight?

Colon cleansing is a process involving the destruction and flushing of toxins and impurities from within the digestive system and colon. Two of the most common questions I’ve heard regarding colon cleansing is “So, how exactly do I know if I need a colon cleanse?” and “How can colon cleansing help me lose weight”? In order to effectively answer those two questions, one has to fully understand the digestion process and the effects it has on the body.

How Do I Know If I Need a Colon Cleanse?

Everyday we consume food in order to nourish our bodies and live. Most of the foods we consume on a daily basis are processed, steroid injected, artificially flavored, and chemically altered in some way. Yet, we can go days and eat these foods with little or no consequence evident in our bodies. Or so we think. Doctors suggest it is healthy for an individual to have at least one to two bowel movements a day. If you are in this crowd, congratulations, because you are a member of a group that is becoming extinct. Doctors also say on average, most people have movements every 3 to 4 days. These people actually believe that evacuating every 3 to 4 days is “normal”. So what exactly do you think happens to all that food you eat over the course of 3 to 4 days? Where does the toxins and waste end up?

Well, I’ll tell you. It goes nowhere. This waste marinates on your colon while eating away at tissue and hindering your bodies ability to absorb nutrients. Your body literally becomes unable to make use of all the vitamins and minerals that are consumed during each meal. As time goes on, this waste can become destructive bacteria that can cause fatigue, gastro intestinal problems, unhealthy looking skin, and even cancer. Some people have 4 to 5 undigested meals in their intestines at this very moment.

What Are the Side Effects Of Colon Cleansing

Whether you decide to visit a specialist to have a colonic performed or use an over-the-counter method, side effects will vary. While some may experience the inconvenience of going to the bathroom every 10 seconds, others may experience feeling weak, nauseous, body aches, bloating, acne, and more. When getting a cleanse, keep in mind that your colon will be completely flushed out. This includes the good bacteria so your body will need time to get back in balance.

How Can Colon Cleansing Help Me Lose Weight?

When considering a cleanse for weight loss, some can expect to see a drop of up to 20lbs (this will definitely vary from person to person). The weight lost is not necessarily fat, rather, it is the weight of toxins flushed from the body. That being said, with a cleansed colon and a healthy diet plan, your body can now begin making great use of the good nutrients you put back in. Combine that with an exercise plan and you just put yourself on the fast track to shredding pounds and discovering a healthier you.

Visits to a specialist can be rather expensive. So if you decide to go with an over-the-counter method, keep in mind that oxygen based colon cleansing products, such as Colon Ox, are the most affordable doctor recommended solution.

Use the following link to read a full review on Colon Ox

If you would like objective reviews about diets and the best methods to lose weight visit My Lifestyle Diet

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Poor digestion

Digestion is the act of breaking down food into its component nutrients which are absorbed by the body and used for growth, repair and development. The digestive system in the human body is the most spread out system. Every organ in the digestive system has a role to play in digesting food such that it benefits the body and maintains a smooth functioning.
The digestive system is also the one system that is prone to all sorts of infections. There can be a variety of disorders of the gastric system ranging from the mild (constipation, heartburn) to severe (ulcers, colon cancer).
Apart from disorders caused due to infections or organ damage, something as seemingly innocuous poor digestion can also give rise to a lot of difficulties.
Poor digestion can have several consequences on the human body.
One effect that poor digestion has on the body is increasing its susceptibility to allergies. This is because due to poor digestion unprocessed food products, chemicals and even toxins may permeate the intestinal lining and enter the blood stream. This can give rise to a wide range of reactions from the immune system. The food ingested may be something that the person has eaten earlier without a reaction. However because there is poor digestion, the immune system is probably over active.
Poor digestion puts a lot of strain on the immune system. In fact it can also lead to autoimmune disorders where the immune system starts mistaking and attacking tissue cells of the body itself instead of bacteria or toxins. With this condition, the liver comes under the maximum stress.
Poor digestion may also give rise to inflammation of the lining of the gastric system which again is an immune reaction. This will definitely alter functioning of the digestive system.
Because of the delicate environment in the gastric tract poor digestion often leads to an over growth of bacteria and yeast. This can often go unchecked and worsen poor digestion into something worse.
Apart from these, poor digestion can give rise to conditions that are experienced commonly by people. Poor digestion can affect the speed of the entire process, either slowing it down or speeding it up. When the digestion is slowed down, constipation is often the result because the intestine has more time to absorb the water, leading to more hard and compacted stool. Poor digestion can speed up the process, leading to diarrhoea because the body doesn’t have enough time to absorb the water from the food. In this case, even nutrients are not absorbed.
Thus poor digestion can lead to fatigue, tiredness, a feeling of bloating, gassiness, nausea, etc.
Overall poor digestion can be very uncomfortable. Thus one should take good care of the digestive system since it is directly linked to good health and well being.

Thyroid symptoms

When dealing with thyroid it’s important that you exercise restraint and take good care of this medical condition in order to live well. For those around us, who are afflicted with serious medical conditions, the pain isn’t only felt by them, but all who care enough. Now how does one react when you realize, someone so close to you has been diagnosed with thyroid. Shocked, unbelievable, distressing are just a few of the initial reactions. The reason I am writing about this is to lay emphasis on the importance of recognizing thyroid symptoms.
As compared to many developing nations, the under developed and developing nations do not lay equal importance on health check ups. The sad truth is that many people, don’t even know till it’s too late that they are affected with thyroid. It is important that we realize thyroid can affect anybody. We do not have any natural fortification against this condition and this heightens the need to do the next best thing. Start immediate medical treatment to control the disease. Apart from encouraging people to take tests, it helps to be attentive towards thyroid symptoms.

It isn’t a thumb rule that you could entirely rely on thyroid symptoms because at times you may not show any profound thyroid symptoms and at all times; the only way to know is by testing.
Before you understand the need to recognize thyroid symptoms it’s important to realize why you would want to do this. It’s important to accept it existence. It’s time we took a step forward to support all those who have been working painstakingly to increase social awareness regarding thyroid symptoms. Awareness and recognition of thyroid symptoms spells out society’s involvement and acceptance. The least we can do is to look out for the common thyroid symptoms.
Thyroid symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, little inspiration and aspiration, intolerance to heat and/or cold, and headaches and migraines. Other thyroid symptoms include parched skin and hair, irritability, nervousness and panic attacks. Thyroid symptoms also include hair loss, fluid retention, depression, reduced memory and attention, unhealthful and fragile nails, constipation, tetchy bowel syndrome, small sex drive, sleeplessness, hives, asthma, various allergies, unhurried healing, bad skin, or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Women could experience tumors, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, PMS, cramps, amenorrhea, unprompted abortion, recurring seizures, dry vagina and infertility. weight inadequacies, gallbladder ailment, heart condition, colon problems, low blood sugar, attention deficit disorder and osteoporosis can also be profound thyroid symptoms.

White rooibos

There are different types of teas presently available in market. The colors show different stages of leaves progress. In china white tea is very popular. They pluck young buds and young leaves. The buds are picked up before they are open. There is polyphenol oxidase in these young leaves and buds. The steaming process is carried out to deactivate these polyphenol oxidase chemicals. This way it becomes possible to retain high amounts of catechins in tea leaves. There is pretty less processing in white teas as compared to green teas. There is no air drying involved here. This white variety of tea is an attempt to keep as much catechins as possible.

The studies have proved that white tea extract can destroy in vitro the organisms that cause the diseases. These organisms include viruses, fungi and bacteria. If you consume white tea then your immune system will be more efficient. The skin cells are well protected in sun rays. It is proved that white tea can provide protection against colon tumors. These white teas and green teas are from the same plant. They contain caffeine also. This will inhibit iron absorption in the body and there will be side effects of caffeine also.

This rooibos tea is made from different type of tree leaves. These rooibos leaves do not contain any caffeine at all. This means there is no inhibition to the iron absorption by the body. There are many additional chemicals in rooibos tea which makes it ideal health drink. There are no calories associated with this rooibos tea. This makes it ideal drink for the weight watchers also. There is no oxalic acid in this rooibos tea. This means there cannot be kidney stone formation due to consumption of this rooibos tea. There are different anti oxidants in this rooibos tea as compared to that of white tea variety.

There are free radicals in our body. These are toxins in our body. These toxins attack the cells and damage them. Ultimately the tissues also get damaged. These anti oxidants are chemicals which neutralize these free radicals. But there are different types of anti oxidants with varied roles. It is not only the amounts of anti oxidants that matter, but their role also matters. The experts tell us that these anti oxidants in both white tea and rooibos tea have different roles. They are not replicable. In other words, it is useful to take both the varieties in moderate quantity. There is lot of literature available regarding white teas. This rooibos tea is comparatively recent phenomenon and there is pretty few research publications regarding their effects. There are some people marketing the mixtures of both. It is up to you to decide about using these mixtures.


Body detoxification is the process of removing unwanted chemical substances known as toxins from the body, thereby allowing greater health. According to Dr Elson Hass the various symptoms of toxicity are headaches, fatigue, mucus problem, aches and pains , allergies, digestive problems, sensitivity to external factors like chemicals, perfumes etc. He further states that body detoxification organs are:
1. Respiratory – lungs, throats, bronchial tubes, sinus, and nose
2. Gastrointestinal-Gall bladder, liver, colon, and GI tract
3. Urinary-Bladder, Kidneys, and urethra
4. Dermal and skin-Sebaceous glands, sweat, and tears
5. Lymphatic -Lymph nodes and channels

Liver is central to detoxifying program of body. It is responsible for processing and breaking down toxins like herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, alcohols, drugs, and other chemicals in environment. It is the organ which is directly affected by pollution. Hence our diet should support liver by supplying nutrients to it.

According to Janice Wittenberg, R.N. colon should be in a good shape before liver healing is started, as the toxins will be stored by liver if they are not excreted by colon. A Colon detoxification program makes one’s body ready for optimal health by removing Mucoid plaque. Colon detoxification program involves diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables so that the digestive system is free from Mucoid plaque and toxins will not build and food will be digested fully.

Liver detoxifies in two phases, under phase I liver makes fat soluble toxins into water soluble which are then eliminated in phase II. In phase II enzymes are used to bind the transformed toxins and are then excreted. Hence in simple terms we can say that the liver help in changing many toxic substances into agents which are harmless, while the waste is carried by bloods to kidney ; the liver dumps wastes into intestine using bile, where elimination of waste takes place . We also clear toxins through exercise, heat and sweating.

Detoxification done by the body internally reverses the damaged caused due to external and internal toxins. Thus strengthening the immune system so as to fight diseases and restore good health. Several detoxification methods have been developed which includes parasite elimination and de worming, liver cleaning, colon cleaning, gall bladder flushing and many more.

Body detoxification and cleansing gives numerous benefits to the body some of them are Strengthening of the immune system, weight loss, riddance from nagging body aches and pains, glowing complexion, enhanced energy levels, improved sleep, a renewed interest in life. This results in body detoxification organs start behaving more intelligently and efficiently by cleaning and detoxifying the body regularly on day to day basis. These benefits will remain permanent if the body detoxification organs are supplied by rich nutrient food.

Nanotechnology in medicine

There is no doubt whatsoever that nanotechnology in medicine holds out significant promise since ill health and disease are primarily the result of damage at the molecular and cellular level. Here, current medical tools have little application simply because they are far too large to use in medical applications between 1 and 100 nanometers.

Nanotechnology in medicine offers us a method to economically construct a wide range of highly complex molecular machines, which are even smaller than a human cell but permit the accuracy, and precision of drug molecules. These tiny machines, that may even include molecular computers, will permit us to construct and utilize adequate numbers of computer controlled molecular machines. Having these tools available will finally permit medicine at the cellular and molecular level where they could be employed to kill cancer cells, remove blockages in veins and arteries or take over some bodily functions at sub-cellular levels.

Nanotechnology in medicine will also give us a cadre of brand new instruments with which we can examine tissue in incredible detail. Imagine, if you will, sensors so tiny that they could provide us with a clear look at the inner functions of a cell. Chemically fixed or flash-frozen tissue could then be precisely analyzed at the molecular level to provide a clear picture of cellular, sub-cellular and molecular actions as they take place.

The advanced capabilities of very-tiny machines, for example could give nanotechnology in medicine a tool to both identify and kill cancer cells. Such a devices would utilize a tiny computer and several binding sites to determine specific molecular concentrations and then selectively release a substance that would kill a cell determined to be cancerous. This devices could then circulate through the human body to sample its environment by discovering whether binding sites for cancerous cells are present or not. By comparison, out current monoclonal antibodies can only bind to one type of protein or antigen and have been ineffective with most cancers to date.

The device described above would be able to detect acoustic signals in the megahertz range, such as those now used in ultrasound imaging, and receive instructions safely. By triangulating several signal sources, this tiny cancer killer would be able to determine it’s exact location within the body and permit multiple pressure samples to be taken from a pressure sensor with a CPU operating in the gigahertz frequency range. Thus, if for example, it were being utilized to eliminate colon cancer, it would not release its lethal cancer-killing substance unless information told it that it was in fact, in the right location in the colon.

Another application of nanotechnology in medicine would be in correcting inadequate blood flow resulting from impaired circulation, which can result in significant tissue damage due to inadequate oxygen. And many other potential applications are now being considered.

Nanotechnology also has a prominent place in medical research, which is highly dependent upon science’s ability to develop a continually increasing understanding of living systems. Devices functioning at atomic and molecular size ranges would permit researchers to explore and analyze these systems in greater detail than imagined even a decade ago.

Hoodia with green tea

Hoodia is referred to as the cactus like plant which is succulent and not cactus actually. The importance of hoodia is that they have the ability to suppress apetite and thirst. This technique was used by the Sans Bushmen tribes of South America while they went for long hunting trips. There are twenty species of hoodia known today. Among them, hoodia gordonii is the only species which project these properties. Due to the popularity of hoodia as an important ingredient in reducing fat there are lots of products which are introduced now. Therefore it is pretty important to know about the originality of the hoodia bought.

Green tea has its own means of wonderful aspects. It has a lot of replenishing properties. They are also used for loosing weight. It has been proved that substituting green tea for the daily coffee intake would help in reducing the body weight largely and is also considered to be excellent for health. To treat and prevent any form of disease the best solution opted by the Chinese are to have green tea. It is known to fight against all kinds of cancer such as leukemia, colon cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, pelvic cancer, ovarian and pancreatic cancer.

Green tea is known to be the wonder drug. Having hoodia with green tea is a stupendous work as you get the health as well the way to reduce your weight. Trying hoodia with green tea is wonderful experience it works out really well. The combinations of green tea with hoodia are simply awful and are highly recommended too. There are a lot of companies bringing up capsules of hoodia with green tea.

Such hoodia with green tea capsules are to be taking as two capsules each day before each meal. There are many other ingredients which are included known as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, maltodextrin and magnesium stearate. Such products have to be kept out of the reach of the children. While using make sure that it is fresh and the safety seal remains the same. It is also necessary to consult any physician before administration of any products.

The hoodia with green tea should be avoided by lactating, pregnant or people having any other medical condition. The combination of green tea and hoodia is known to be the perfect combo as green tea is excellent for health and hoodia reduced body weight. Hence both the compounds help to remain healthy forever.