
The products which are used to detoxify the body are known as detoxification products. Various natural and manmade products are available through which body can be cleansed. Detoxification is done to achieve better health, free from disease. In four ways optimum health can be achieved.

1. The endocrine system has to be balanced. It is a key to many doors, if endocrine system can be balanced other organ and gland in the body get toned itself.
2. Body detoxification in proper sequence.
3. Root cause has to be found out and bring it back to balance. Herbs are used to bring it back to original constitution. Herbs can be used to bring an unbalanced system to the balanced one.
4. Balancing the Ph of the body. Ph 7 is the normal value of body, if it is more than 7 the body becomes acidic and enzymes do not function properly in acidic medium and if the Ph is below 7 then body becomes alkaline and degenerative conditions are resulted. The Ph has to be maintained for proper functioning of the body.
Air, water and fire are 3 main elements of the body. And the percentage of these elements has to balance in the body. If either of them is in less quantity or in excess then imbalance is formed that will create weakness in human body. A person can be restored to his normal health by correcting the root imbalance. And this correctness is must for proper functioning of the body. ayurvedic, natural, chemically engineered and various types of products are available in the market. Various detoxification centres have been opened which treat the patients and help them in every way under proper guidance and supervision.
The type of environment we are living in makes us susceptible to various diseases if one doesn’t receive proper nutrition. To remain healthy, various detoxification products are needed.
Ph of body is adjusted use of tonic alchemy and Capra Whey minerals. Colon can be treated by using Laxa-comfort to regulate the bowels. The detoxification products have found its importance in the market.. Kidney can be cleansed by a product called Uri-flush and herbal remedy. After detoxification of kidney and colon we move to liver detoxification. Gallstones from the liver and gall bladder can be removed from the body by five day flush program. Then comes the blood purification which can be done by ayurvedic herbal formula. Detoxification products range from organ to organ. In the end ”body pure flush?. It cleanses the body of uric and lactic acid and other harmful toxins, and gives the body a new fresh.

Men’s health concern

Like women, the major men’s health concern is heart disease. It is the leading cause of death among both men and women. The most unfortunate aspect of this statistic is that it is rising in certain segments of the population. For example heart disease among African American males between the ages of 35 and 44 is more than twice that of Caucasian males. The risk factors for heart disease include many of the things that are on the rise in American society.

These risk factors are found at a higher rate in American society than in other parts of the world, but the men’s health concern for heart disease is also growing world wide. It’s important to continue to educate people to make healthier lifestyle choices

First, if you smoke stop; even if you use smokeless tobacco products you are putting yourself into a higher risk category for heart disease. There are dozens of harmful substances in tobacco and tobacco smoke, and contrary to popular belief, nicotine may not be the most dangerous one for your health.

Second, choose a healthy diet, high in fruits, vegetables, high fiber carbohydrates and low-fat foods. Drink plenty of water, at least half your body weight in ounces each day. These foods should be concentrated early in the day, rather than just before sleeping. This type of sensible eating will not only strengthen your heart, it will help you to lose and maintain your ideal weight.

Third, exercise. You should plan on 30 minute of exercise 4-5 times per week. This can be something as simple as walking at a pace fast enough to increase your heart rate. You may also enjoy swimming, aerobics, or handball. Weight-lifting or body building generally does not apply, since it doesn’t qualify as aerobic.

The second highest men’s health concern is cancer. Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common type of skin cancer among both men and women, but lung cancer is the one which kills the most people. The major risk factor is smoking. If you smoke quit. If you are subject to second-hand smoke, you need to take whatever steps are needed to reduce or eliminate that danger. Radon in the home or work place has also been shown to be a contributory factor in lung cancer. Even with early detection of lung cancer, survival rates are less than 50%.

Other men’s health concern issues related to cancer include colon cancer and testicular cancer.


Detoxification is a process of removal or cleansing the body from various toxins that have entered in our body due to internal and external factors. Various methods are used for detox therapy like, foot bath, fasting, fruits and vegetable diet detoxification massage. Training is given for detoxification massage therapy in United States and Canada. Detoxification massage is a technique which is used for cleansing the toxins from our body. Unhealthy toxins accumulated in our body results in various diseases and malfunctioning of system. Toxics substance in our body also leads to reduce metabolic activities. Massage is very healthy practice and rejuvenate our body by opening up our muscles and also helps in release of certain toxins from the body
Detoxification massage technique consists of pressure therapy that proceed with applying soft pressure to selected points on the body and stretched muscle tissue and helps to get a relieve from health problems like headache, fibromyalgia and other organ or malfunctioning organs of the body.
The detoxification massage is a wonderful technique of relaxing the body, and it is somewhat similar to lymphatic drainage massage and Swedish massage and aim toward achieving overall well being and good health. Detoxification massage helps in improving oxygen level, circulation pattern, swelling, breathing problems and various other benefits come along with the technique. Muscles are relaxed. It is helpful in curing patients suffering from chronic health condition and disorders like chronic fatigue, neurological problems, immune system issues, arthritis and stress.
Immune system of the body can also be boosted by some additional therapies with a detoxification massage session:
– Hydrotherapy
– Aromatherapy
– Colon hydrotherapy
– Herbal body wraps
– Far infrared light therapy
The massage therapy is provided by professional only and can last for an hour or so. Study centres have been opened for massage therapy. Training is provided for the massage. Detoxification massage can help you to get rid of most of the malfunctioning of the body. Massage is done in a rhythmic process that stimulates the body. The movement is integral part of the body. one of the important massage therapy is lymphatic massage. Lymph is the main elimination organ of the body that helps in detoxification process. It absorbs the food nutrients and also helps in disposal of waste from body. With the massage technique lymph system removes the unwanted toxins from the body which are by products of dead cell, stress, metals. It also opens the blockage of circulatory system. Overall it helps in toning the body and removal of toxins and provide a healthy mind and soul.


Detoxification is a way to remove toxins from body or neutralising them or changing them to other forms. Most of the toxins enter our body from external sources like our diet, use of drugs and other environmental exposures. Internally cholesterol and oxidised fats, free radicals etc. act like toxins.
Detoxification involves changes in diet and lifestyle which reduces the intake of toxins.

Detoxifying colon requires incorporation of probiotics in diet to replenish intestinal flora.

Colon cancer is believed to be one of the highest cause of cancer deaths in world. Bowel movements are basis of your health. With time mans dietary habit has changed a lot.

Bowel movements are considered to be the basis of one’s health. One should at least have 1 bowel movement per day, otherwise you are under constant threat of having disease. There has not been appreciable change n the man’s body, however man’s eating habit had undergone a noticeable change. All the white flour, refined sugar, meats consisting of antibiotic or harmone which are constantly ingest by us is considered as assault on the bodies. We are continuously harming our bodies by eating such type of food. Colon cancer which is considered as the second leading cause of deaths related to cancer in US.

So, all toxins and congestion must be eliminated and removed and it must start with the cleaning of bowel. A Colon cleansing involves removing of Plaque known as Mucoid from colon. Body can be weaken by even a thin layer of Mucous. It has been found that a colon in good condition weighs 4 pounds and a colon gets congested with 40 pounds of Plaque known as Mucoid. A Colon detoxification program makes one’s body ready for good health by removing Mucoid plaque. Colon detoxification program involves diet which is rich in vegetables and raw fruits so that the digestive system is free from Mucoid plaque and toxins cannot be build and food will be digested fully.

Bowel Cleanse or Colon Cleanse or cleaning of intestine all refers to therapy for cleaning bowel which takes few weeks or up to one month. Colon cleansing
is a process in which many supplements which includes herb to kill parasites and worms are use, it also involves fasting for few days. An effective colon detoxification program always involve removing of waste in colon
Colon toxification could result in distortion of its shape as well as its function. It could stretch like balloon or develop in to diverticula or fall down upon it-self (prolapsed colon). The colon detoxification affects the functioning of large intestine to great extent. The colon acts like sewer system of the body and if not healed properly can accumulate toxic which are then absorbed in bloodstream and could lead to many diseases.

Aloe vera juice digestion

Aloe Vera is a plant that has biblical references. Technically it is one of 250 species of aloe of the liliaceae family. Aloe Vera is a natural inhabitant of Africa and Asia and can grow up to twenty five feet in height and grows best in tropical climates with little rainfall. In appearance aloe vera looks likes cacti. It is a stem less plant with thick fleshy leaves. The flowers of the aloe vera plant grow on long stems in clusters of red and yellow.
The part of the aloe vera plant that is used is the gel that is found in the fleshy leaves. This gel harvesting is done best by hand. This gel is used in a variety of ways for a variety of uses. It can be used as a gel or added to a drink and used as aloe vera juice. This juice is extremely beneficial as it comprises several minerals and vitamins including vitamin C and B, potassium, calcium etc. Such are the benefits of aloe juice that even doctors recommend drinking it twice a day.
Aloe vera has gained immense popularity amongst those looking for natural health products to use. Aloe vera has cooling and soothing benefits. It is used to help treat wounds and burns. It is also used for treating a lot of skin conditions and for the general upkeep of the tightness and softness of the skin.
Aloe vera has been known to increase the blood circulation and has known to be effective in treating joint pain and arthritis.
For those who drink aloe vera juice, digestion is also aided in a large way. Aloe vera juice has been known to benefit digestion in more ways that one, the most important being in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Aloe vera juice works as a detoxifying agent. It works to cleanse the colon and also detoxifies the blood.
For people who drink aloe vera juice, digestion is helped immensely and conditions such as ulcers are avoided.
Ale vera juice helps in the growth of cells and enlarges blood vessels. This helps in improving blood circulation to the digestive system thereby improving digestion. This juice also helps maintain a healthy acid balance in the stomach.
Alow vera juice has properties of being anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. It thus helps soothe the irritations of the digestive tract including calming down IBS.
Aloe vera juice also facilitates and encourages the secretion of the protein digesting enzyme pepsin in the stomach. This facilitates active digestion of proteins in the stomach.
Over all for people drinking regular amounts of aloe vera juice, digestion is improved in large amounts. This natural juice has positive effects on the entire body and is another example of the benefits of organic products.

Electronic cigarette smoking everywhere

The aim of electronic cigarette companies is to make electronic cigarette smoking acceptable everywhere and gradually replace conventional smoking. An electronic cigarette can easily pass off for a regular cigarette – it even releases what looks like white smoke but look carefully and you will realize that it is not the normal cigarette.

There are a lot of advantages of using electronic cigarettes and that is why it seems only a matter of time before one can have electronic cigarette smoking everywhere – here, the smoker is not actually smoking – the electronic cigarettes work on battery and this vaporizes nicotine so what the smoker is actually doing is breathing in the nicotine vapor – the nonsmokers may believe that they are inhaling tobacco smoke but that is not the case – the toxic smoke and the harmful ingredients of cigarette and tar are not being exhaled by the electronic cigarette smoker.

There could be some impediments before electronic cigarette smoking everywhere becomes a reality – there are some health specialists and doctors who say that these electronic cigarettes are mainly manufactured in the Guangdong province of China – these have on the whole been unregulated – certainly, they have not yet been approved by the FDA in the United States of America; it is not known what is the actual nicotine content in the electronic cigarette and what are the other components apart from nicotine .

There is a school of thought who believes that the electronic cigarette may be more harmful than conventional cigarettes – if this school succeeds, then definitely electronic cigarette smoking everywhere is not going to take place. One main problem is that the contents of the nicotine vapor has not yet been tested in laboratories in the United States of America – moreover, the manufacturers of the electronic cigarettes have not been transparent about the actual composition of these electronic cigarettes.

If indeed it is proved that electronic cigarettes are less harmful than conventional cigarettes then we could see electronic cigarette smoking everywhere become a distinct possibility – this is because of the serious health hazards of normal tobacco today.

Today, in the US, atleast four lakhs, forty thousand people die every year because of tobacco – one in every five deaths in the US can be attributed to the use of tobacco. Today, cigarettes kill more people in he US than alcohol, car accidents suicide, AIDS, homicide combined. Nearly one thirds of all cancer deaths are due to smoking or the use of tobacco like cancer of the lung, esophagus, voice box and throat. A Conventional cigarette also contributes to the cancer of the bladder, pancreas, liver, kidney, cervix, stomach, colon and rectum. Passive “smoking is responsible for atleast 50,000 deaths in the US every year – this includes approximately three thousand four hundred people from lung cancer and a number which may range from 30-70,000 to heart disease.

Spa treatment colon cleanse

When your colons fall short of removing the metabolic wastes from the body, you will be exposed to all kinds of illnesses. Most of the common illnesses are due to poor colon condition. We are surrounded by potentially toxic chemicals and destructive pathogens whether we like it or not. Exposure to the impure air, contaminated foods, dangerous pesticides, and harmful chemicals can disrupt the immune system. Bacterium Clostridium difficile is the cause of one of the most serious types of colon infection. The bacterium is found in the air, water and moist surfaces. When they grow to abnormally large numbers in the intestinal tract of people then the person starts to experience symptoms like diarrhea and other potential life-threatening inflammations

Colon plays an important role in protecting your body against pollutants and harmful pathogens. Good absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat depends on the how healthy is your colon is functioning. Toxins that are not eliminated by the colon will return to the circulatory system. These toxins can slow down the immune system. Trendy lifestyle makes it suitable for you to consume pills which cause adverse effects, drugs, alcohol and caffeine. This further pressurizes on the function of the colon and makes it slow in the longer run.

If you feel overly bogged down, it is time probably for a colon cleanse. Colon cleansers are based on the theory that waste metabolic by-products in the colon stagnates over time and causes toxins to form and spread throughout the body. This phenomenon is known as “autointoxication.” but this is medically not proven. Then it is time to try out colon cleanse in a medi-spa. Colon cleansing spas are increasing in their popularity as there is increasing diseases. They are popular for various reasons; the important among them being that in spas treatments are done to eliminate the toxins from the body in natural way.

Colon hydrotherapy:
Colonic hydrotherapy also called colonic irrigation is a modification of enema treatment, which involves flush out the bowel with water in different temperatures and pressures. Water is introduced alone or with added herbs, coffee or probiotics, through a tube inserted through the rectum. Treatment sessions usually last about one to two hours. In a high colonic procedure, one tube allows water into the colon and another tube called an obturator collects the waste.

Spa water treatment provides you with a choice of Hydrotherapic Spa Baths, aromatic Steam and sauna rooms. Usually hydrotherapy colon cleanse treatments are complemented by other day spa treatments in spas with body wraps, Massage and beauty treatments, designed to maximize the therapeutic effects.

Saunas and steam rooms – These are popular for colon cleanse for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they are conventional, comfortable, and it’s an unusual activity. Again, they are associated with colon cleanse and pain relief. A good steam or sauna is a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions and this will really make massage more effective by warming your muscles before a massage. This treatment revitalizes clogged pores in the skin and it eliminates waste by means of sweat. This also increases the blood flow, apart from cleaning colons.