Bodybuilding supplements

Bodybuilding refers to the sport of building up muscle mass in certain parts of the body and then sculpting it well. Bodybuilding has become a full time professional sport for many people. People do bodybuilding just for recreation, or to enhance their personality and also to take part in body building competitions at local, national and international levels. Bodybuilding may take between several months to several years. Bodybuilding involves doing a set of exercises that are directed towards building muscle mass in specific parts of the body. Along with exercises, there is also a specific diet to be followed. The diet is prescribed by experts. Then there are the bodybuilding supplements to be taken. Bodybuilding supplements are not exactly steroids that can do more harm than good.

In fact research shows that the body building supplements, along with the proper set of exercise and nutrition can go a long way in increasing the muscle mass in the body. The most popular bodybuilding supplement available in the market today is nitric oxide stimulator. The muscles begin to grow when you do intense training. The muscle growth is very much dependent on the synthesis of protein in the body. Hence it is very necessary to introduce the right kind of nutrition for the body which is very much high in protein. Hence the muscles which get good amount of protein will grow very well. Also by exercising, the blood flow in the muscles increases and hence there will be more oxygen and nutrients in the body.

It will also lead to the removal of toxins from the muscles like lactic acid as well as carbon dioxide and other products. Bodybuilding supplements like nitric oxide stimulator will help to dilate the blood vessels in your body which will help to increase the blood flow in the muscles. Nitric oxide is an important hormone in your body that helps to increase the blood flow to the muscle and hence helps the muscle to grow. The enzyme by the name of nitric oxide synthase helps in controlling the amount of nitric oxide in your body as it converts amino acid. It is nitric oxide that is the most important factor that helps your body to attain muscle mass. The muscle pump increases because of increased blood flow to the muscles. The levels of certain hormones in the body also increases which leads to further muscle growth.

Poor digestion

Digestion is the act of breaking down food into its component nutrients which are absorbed by the body and used for growth, repair and development. The digestive system in the human body is the most spread out system. Every organ in the digestive system has a role to play in digesting food such that it benefits the body and maintains a smooth functioning.
The digestive system is also the one system that is prone to all sorts of infections. There can be a variety of disorders of the gastric system ranging from the mild (constipation, heartburn) to severe (ulcers, colon cancer).
Apart from disorders caused due to infections or organ damage, something as seemingly innocuous poor digestion can also give rise to a lot of difficulties.
Poor digestion can have several consequences on the human body.
One effect that poor digestion has on the body is increasing its susceptibility to allergies. This is because due to poor digestion unprocessed food products, chemicals and even toxins may permeate the intestinal lining and enter the blood stream. This can give rise to a wide range of reactions from the immune system. The food ingested may be something that the person has eaten earlier without a reaction. However because there is poor digestion, the immune system is probably over active.
Poor digestion puts a lot of strain on the immune system. In fact it can also lead to autoimmune disorders where the immune system starts mistaking and attacking tissue cells of the body itself instead of bacteria or toxins. With this condition, the liver comes under the maximum stress.
Poor digestion may also give rise to inflammation of the lining of the gastric system which again is an immune reaction. This will definitely alter functioning of the digestive system.
Because of the delicate environment in the gastric tract poor digestion often leads to an over growth of bacteria and yeast. This can often go unchecked and worsen poor digestion into something worse.
Apart from these, poor digestion can give rise to conditions that are experienced commonly by people. Poor digestion can affect the speed of the entire process, either slowing it down or speeding it up. When the digestion is slowed down, constipation is often the result because the intestine has more time to absorb the water, leading to more hard and compacted stool. Poor digestion can speed up the process, leading to diarrhoea because the body doesn’t have enough time to absorb the water from the food. In this case, even nutrients are not absorbed.
Thus poor digestion can lead to fatigue, tiredness, a feeling of bloating, gassiness, nausea, etc.
Overall poor digestion can be very uncomfortable. Thus one should take good care of the digestive system since it is directly linked to good health and well being.

Pregnancy nutrition

Nutrition of an individual is always important issue if he wants to maintain his health. In case of pregnant women the issue becomes twice more important, as health of two persons is involved in pregnancy nutrition. In pregnancy nutrition, as in all, a diet of fresh vegetables, whole grains is always recommended. The recommendation of fruits is of course there in the pregnancy nutrition. But these are general types of nutrition requirements. What are special recommendations in the pregnancy nutrition?
The first requirement is folic acid or foliates. These micronutrients help neural activity. Lack of these can produce brain damages in the baby. And there may be premature birth and other associated problems during pregnancy. Leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, peas contain this micronutrient Also fortified cereals can provide this. The pregnancy nutrition involves this most important micronutrient. It is good to take vitamin tablets regularly from three months before you get pregnant. The pregnancy nutrition has to start before you get pregnant
For healthy teeth and bones you require calcium. Dairy products are rich in calcium, a fact that everybody knows. The pregnancy nutrition recommends 1000 milligrams of calcium intake per day during pregnancy.
Protein is important macronutrient your body needs. The babies’ growth in second and third trimester is governed by your protein intake. The pregnancy nutrition recommends taking 71 grams of protein daily. Well known sources of protein are of course, eggs fish meat etc. Dried beans and peas are also good protein sources. So also are the dairy products.
Iron is next important nutrient required in pregnancy nutrition. Our blood contains hemoglobin Iron is required to form hemoglobin. In pregnancy, blood requirement doubles and so also does iron requirement. The pregnancy nutrition recommends 27 milligrams iron per day.
There are special supplements available in the markets. It is better to start taking them three months before the pregnancy. This recommendation is there in pregnancy nutrition to fill in any gaps that may occur afterwards.
The pregnancy nutrition also deals with some “don’ts”
Take a potentially conflicting situation. Everybody knows that fish contain important omega -3 fatty acids. They are known to provide brain development help in babies.
Sea food is always recommended in pregnancy nutrition. But we also know that fish contain mercury, an extremely hazardous substance. So pregnancy nutrition does recommend not eating any fish containing mercury. What is the solution?
Obviously seafood, because it contains absolutely no mercury.
Shrimp, canned tuna fish, are very low mercury containing fish. You can use them safely as your pregnancy nutrition.
Similarly consider dairy products. They are recommended during pregnancy due to variety of reasons. But what if they are made from unpasteurized milk, then? You will invite lot of trouble. The pregnancy nutrition will recommend only pasteurized dairy products.


Body detoxification is the process of removing unwanted chemical substances known as toxins from the body, thereby allowing greater health. According to Dr Elson Hass the various symptoms of toxicity are headaches, fatigue, mucus problem, aches and pains , allergies, digestive problems, sensitivity to external factors like chemicals, perfumes etc. He further states that body detoxification organs are:
1. Respiratory – lungs, throats, bronchial tubes, sinus, and nose
2. Gastrointestinal-Gall bladder, liver, colon, and GI tract
3. Urinary-Bladder, Kidneys, and urethra
4. Dermal and skin-Sebaceous glands, sweat, and tears
5. Lymphatic -Lymph nodes and channels

Liver is central to detoxifying program of body. It is responsible for processing and breaking down toxins like herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, alcohols, drugs, and other chemicals in environment. It is the organ which is directly affected by pollution. Hence our diet should support liver by supplying nutrients to it.

According to Janice Wittenberg, R.N. colon should be in a good shape before liver healing is started, as the toxins will be stored by liver if they are not excreted by colon. A Colon detoxification program makes one’s body ready for optimal health by removing Mucoid plaque. Colon detoxification program involves diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables so that the digestive system is free from Mucoid plaque and toxins will not build and food will be digested fully.

Liver detoxifies in two phases, under phase I liver makes fat soluble toxins into water soluble which are then eliminated in phase II. In phase II enzymes are used to bind the transformed toxins and are then excreted. Hence in simple terms we can say that the liver help in changing many toxic substances into agents which are harmless, while the waste is carried by bloods to kidney ; the liver dumps wastes into intestine using bile, where elimination of waste takes place . We also clear toxins through exercise, heat and sweating.

Detoxification done by the body internally reverses the damaged caused due to external and internal toxins. Thus strengthening the immune system so as to fight diseases and restore good health. Several detoxification methods have been developed which includes parasite elimination and de worming, liver cleaning, colon cleaning, gall bladder flushing and many more.

Body detoxification and cleansing gives numerous benefits to the body some of them are Strengthening of the immune system, weight loss, riddance from nagging body aches and pains, glowing complexion, enhanced energy levels, improved sleep, a renewed interest in life. This results in body detoxification organs start behaving more intelligently and efficiently by cleaning and detoxifying the body regularly on day to day basis. These benefits will remain permanent if the body detoxification organs are supplied by rich nutrient food.

Cellulite diet

While there is no such thing as a cellulite diet, i.e. foods which will work directly to remove cellulite from your thighs buttocks and abdomen, eating healthfully and drinking plenty of water will help your overall appearance and will improve the appearance of cellulite. The focus should be eating foods known to reduce free radicals, and antioxidants in the body as well as those which cleanse and detoxify the body.

A general cellulite diet includes some or all of the following components.


Start each day by drinking a glass of hot water with a squeeze of lemon. This is an excellent way to get the body systems moving.

Fresh fruit contains not only fiber, but phytochemicals such as anti-aging anthocyanidins and bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is a prime source of anti-oxidants which eliminate free radicals found in tobacco smoke, alcohol, fried foods and smoked foods. Especially good sources of vitamin C are strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, oranges, mango, kiwifruit, grapes, grapefruit, cranberries, cantaloupe melons, cherries, blackberries, blueberries and apples.

Three to four servings each day of fresh fruit will be an excellent start toward healthful eating.


Fresh vegetables are also a good source of phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals as well as a rich source of fiber. Some vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins A, C, and E which are all antioxidants. These nutrients help to fight the formation of free radicals in the system and strengthen the connective tissues between the skin and the underlying muscles. By stretching and strengthening the septa tissues, the puckering effect caused by fat cells bulging upward around the septa is eliminated.

Particularly good vegetables for a healthy cellulite diet include tomatoes, spinach, salad greens, onions, leeks, fennel, cucumber, carrots, cabbage, bell-peppers and artichokes.


Nuts and grains contain Vitamin E, Vitamin B-complex and Omega-3 fatty acids as well as important trace minerals like selenium. Good seeds include pumpkin, flax seeds and sunflower seeds. Nuts like walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews and almonds, eaten unsalted are a great source of essential nutrients.


Spices which are particularly beneficial include parsley, mustard, ginger, garlic, chives and chili.

At least eight glass of water daily helps to flush out toxins from your system.

By choosing foods that are high in antioxidants and fiber and drinking adequate water, the above cellulite diet can be considered the closest thing to a true cure for cellulite.


There are hundreds of diets invented in the past that have brought excellent benefits to millions of people round the world. The most well known diets in the world are Atkins Diet, Mediterranean Diet and South Beach Diet. The main purpose of all diets is to eat what your body needs. A proper diet includes an appropriate balance of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. All diets stress on low consumption of fatty foods as consumption of excess fatty foods lead to obesity and obesity related disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes and increased chances of heart attack.

It becomes very necessary for you to select the diet plan that suits you best. You can visit your doctor who will supply you information on the different types of diets and which diet will work best for you. Also you can consult your friends, relatives and support groups and find out more about the different types of diets. The internet has become the best source of information on different types of diets. You can visit and of the diet sites and browse through each category of diets.

Let us look at some of the advantages that all diets offers. The first and foremost purpose of following any of the diets is to keep your body weight in control. Excess body weight is often the single main cause of other diseases and disorders like heart stroke, diabetes, cancer, asthma. Excess body weight is also the major cause for concern in the case of mental disorders like depression, low self esteem and low confidence. The other benefit of following one of the diets is to provide the necessary nutrients to your body. Proper nutrition is by for your body to remain healthy and fit. As mentioned before diets should include a lot of vitamins and proteins. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins while eggs, soybean, milk and milk products are an excellent source of proteins.

Also it is not recommend that you follow diets alone. It is recommended that you follow an exercise plan as well. You can start with light exercises like walking, running and swimming and then move to heavier exercises like weight training. Diets and exercise are a sure way to keep you healthy and fit and increase your body’s immunity to the most common diseases and disorders. So what are you waiting for? In case you see your stomach or your waist size increasing, immediately select a diet plan and start it.

Staying young raw food recipes

Balanced diet plays a very important role in filling the body full of energy. Now-a-days, people are paying attention towards their health and are continuously searching for various ways to maintain their health in a correct manner. One of the best ways for staying young is to look for food recipes which not only provide nutrition but also provides marvelous taste. For that they normally search for various web sites, health magazines and recipe books.

Most of the people suffer from health related problems because they do not take care of their diet plans and prefers to go for outside food. If properly taken into consideration then one can make home made food rich in taste.

Certainly, for staying young one must focus upon his/her diet plan and for that tasty home made food is the best alternative for the fast foods. With proper food recipes one can easily make tasty food at his/her home without much complication. A balanced and healthy diet is one which comprises of all the essential nutrients in an ideal amount. The nutrients which are very important for a living body and must be supplied to the body on a regular basis are proteins, calcium, minerals, vitamins and fibrous supplements.

For remaining free from diseases and for proper functioning natural food supplements are demanded by the body. But instead of going for natural food products people give priority to artificial products including various medicines and cosmetic products. This is because people mainly get convinced by the advertisements and outstanding results delivered by the concern product. This is normally a marketing trap to increase the demand of the product between the public, and all companies claim that their product will provide excellent results for staying young. Due to involvement in purchasing of various medicines and products people overlook the importance of natural food products.

When it comes to raw food recipes, one can include various kinds of fruits and vegetable in the diet according to his/her choice and preferences; this will not only increase the taste but also provide the necessary nutrition. Water plays a very important role in proper functioning of the body. In many processes of the body including digestion and excretion and many other processes water plays a key role plus it also acts as a detoxification agent in the body. If a person does not like normal water then he/she can go for flavored water available in the market which do not have any side effects on the body and contains all the qualities of normal water.

Some of the home made raw food recipes which can provide nutrition to the body along with taste includes vegetable sandwiches, vegetable soups and fruit salads. For increasing taste one can add substitute ingredient like honey instead of sugar and curd instead of butter.