Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss programs are generally prescribed by dieticians or doctors to patients who suffer from obesity and obesity related disorders. People suffering from obesity have a very high chance of facing many disorders in the future like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart stroke and should immediately seek a weight loss program for themselves. The body also becomes sluggish and the person is not able to move around quickly.

Weight loss programs use a combination of methods and techniques to lose weight more quickly. The weight loss programs may consist of a particular diet to be followed in the week, the set of exercises to be performed during the week and other weight loss supplements to be taken every single day. Weight loss programs may also include supplements like diet pills which can be prescription drugs or non prescription drugs.

The effectiveness of weight loss programs depends a lot on the patient and how he follows the program. Many people follow weight loss program with much enthusiasm in the beginning but soon lose interest and are back to their own old ways. In fact they may become more obese than before. Hence a weight loss program can be made successful only with the help of proper co ordination of efforts between the dietician and the patient. In the next paragraph let me give you an example of a weight loss program for people who would like to lose 10-17 lbs per week.

Let’s begin with a sample weight loss program. In the next seven days you should not drink any alcohol and also drink lots of water, preferably 10-15 glasses per day. On the first day you can have fruits and vegetables. You can have fruits like watermelon or fruits of your choice. On day two you should eat cooked or raw vegetables though preference should be given to raw vegetables. On day three you can proceed with a mixture of fruit and vegetables. You can decide the quantities to be consumed. On day four you can have only bananas and milk. Have up to 8 bananas and 4 glasses of milk. On day 5 you can indulge yourself in some really good food like beef, tomatoes and burgers. Again have them in limit. On day six you can have fish and vegetables. Day seven will consist of fruits, vegetables and brown rice. This is an example of a supplements free weight loss program.

This was just one example of a weight loss program. There are a lot of weight loss programs prescribed by dieticians worldwide. The choice of a weight loss program differs from case to case. For example, some people maybe only slightly obese while many people might be comparatively more.

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is meant for those people who have not been able to shed weight and also at a high risk if suffering seriously from disorders. Hence weight loss surgery is required if excess weight may pose a grave danger to the patients life in the near future. Nowadays there are thousands of people all over the world who have undergone weight loss surgery to lose weight. Weight loss surgery is now completely safe, provided it is done by experienced and reputable doctors.

A bariatic weight loss surgery is normally performed on patients with dangerously excess weight. This type of weight loss surgery can be done with low morbidity and mortality at the best centers in the city. Bariatic weight loss surgery is proven to be safe. In the case of most weight loss surgeries, a cut is made generally in the stomach and the hip region and then fat is removed from these areas. Weight loss surgeries done in the stomach region are known as gastric bypass surgery. However, gastric bypass surgeries are a little complicated and so a little risky. Hence gastric bypass surgery should be chosen as an option of weight loss surgery if all other efforts to reduce weight fail. In comparison to gastric bypass surgeries, restrictive bypass surgeries are safer.

At present due to advancement in technology, gastric bypass surgery is proving to be safer than before. Surgeons are fast learning the laparoscopic technique (another type of weight loss surgery) and taking proper training in it.

Hence we see that weight loss surgeries are proving to be safer and risk free than before. Doctors are fast learning the newer techniques and implementing their knowledge successfully. In case you would like to go for weight loss surgery, you should consult your doctor first. You can also consult a doctor who specializes in these types of surgeries. The doctor will study your case and decide whether you should go for weight loss surgery. If the matter is not serious then he will suggest you other ways to reduce your weight.

Hence weight loss surgeries are like two sides of a coin. On one hand they help you to lose weight quickly as fat is instantly removed from the concerned areas, but at the same time they maybe a little risky. However, as mentioned before the surgeries are getting better and better by day. Weight loss surgeries are also proving to be less risky and there will come a time when they will be totally risk free.

Quick Weight Loss

Many people who are obese and would like to lose weight want a quick weight loss. But many times they keep unrealistic goals which they fail to follow after a certain period of time. Remember trying too hard to for a quick weight loss is something that is not desirable. One should just follow the instructions of the dietician to the fastest way to quick weight loss.

There are certain safe methods that can help you with quick weight loss. The first method is definitely exercise. You can start with light exercises and cardio vascular exercises. You can then move on to the heavier exercises like weight training for quicker weight loss. Do take walks whenever you can for quick weight loss. Climb the stairs for reaching your house and indulge in physical activities even when you are at home. You can take the laundry; do the dishes and other work. You will definitely experience a quicker weight loss as the physical activities mentioned above will burn your calories and fat faster.

Drink lots and lots of water for quicker weight loss. Water improves the blood circulation and removes toxicities from the body. You can also add lemon to warm water and drink it every morning in order to achieve quicker weight loss. Avoid alcohol, coffee and aerated drinks at all costs. avoid fatty and oily foods like sugar, milk and cheese if you want a quicker weight loss. Eating the right kind of food will go a lot further in your efforts towards a quick weight loss. It is not right to not eat at all to quickly lose weight. You should eat in moderate amounts at fixed intervals during the day and you are sure to have a quick weight loss.

As mentioned before do plenty of exercise like cycling, running and swimming to ensure a quick weight loss. You can burn a total of 295 calories on a stationary bicycle and burn up to 472 calories when you run for up to 12 minutes. Aerobics is most sought after by people for quick weight loss. A high impact aerobics session can burn up to 413 calories. Climbing uphill or climbing against gravity burns s lot of calories. Try weight training and aerobics for quick weight loss as these types of exercises help burn more calories and less muscle tissue. You can also do sit ups and push ups. Start with exercising 15 minutes a day and then gradually increase the time to 45 minutes. Do exercises at least 4 to 5 days a week. Your body will not only undergo a quick weight loss but you’ll feel more healthy and confident too.

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Weight watchers recipes

The best way to lose weight is to decide on weight watchers recipes. Also proper exercises along with weight watchers recipes can help you lose weight more quickly. You should consult your dietician to advise you on following a particular diet regime or what I like to call as the weight watchers recipes. This diet regime or weight watchers recipes will differ from person to person depending on the case.

Normally weight watchers recipes consist of a variety of salads and also raw vegetables and fruits. Adding lots of fruits to your weight watchers recipes help in providing the necessary sugars, fibers and vitamins to your body. Having lots of salads as a part of your weight watchers recipes help you to fill your stomach and stop your craving for more food. Salads have high nutrition content. Similar is the case for having raw vegetables in your weight watchers recipes. Raw vegetables contain a lot of vital vitamins required by your body. In case you don’t like the type of salads prescribed by your dietician, there are many other weight watchers recipes available. You can consult your dietician on the same.

Many people believe that by following a crash diet and eating a low calorie diet one can lose weight more quickly. But many people tend to gain weight right after following a crash diet. The most important thing is to eat healthy and this is where weight watchers recipes come into the picture. Crash diet makes the person hungrier and then he is unable to hold for long whereas weight watchers recipes make you feel full even though they hardly add any calories to your body. As a result the person will tend to eat more food and gain on his weight if he follows a crash diet as opposed to a weight watchers recipe. Hence you should cut down on fatty and oily foods and live more on bread, fruits and vegetables. Keep a watch on your daily calorie intake. If you reduce your daily calorie intake by about 300 to 500 calories can reduce your weight up to one or two pounds in a week.

Try different types of weight watchers recipes everyday to avoid monotony. If you eat the same recipe everyday you tend to get bored and may give up easily on your weight loss regime. Always remember to have small meals at regular intervals in a day instead of two large meals. Avoid eating at night as this will lead to increase in weight quickly. As juices contain a lot of calories, you can cut down on your juice intake and instead have water. Drink a good amount of water everyday as water helps in blood circulation and also removes the impurities in the body. Avoid snacks in between meals and also avoid a second helping of food during lunch and dinner. Also do not eat dessert after your dinner. You can restrict yourself to eating dessert just once a week. Remember that weight watchers recipes is the best option for those who cannot exercise regularly.

How to Lose Weight

People who have excess weight often need an answer to how to lose weight? Many people suggest different answers to the question of how to lose weight but in the end the method of treatment depends from person to person. People who are obese may suffer from many types of disorders like high blood pressure, high sugar levels in the body, hypertension, gall bladder and gout problems. Hence it is necessary for them to not just know how to lose weight but also strive hard achieve it.

There are many books available in the markets that suggest how to lose weight. All these books suggest alternative steps on how to lose weight as people may not be able to follow all the steps mentioned in the books. E-books on how to lose weight can be downloaded from the internet also. There are nominal charges for downloading the books or the books can be downloaded free of cost.

So how can one lose weight? The best answer on how to lose weight is a good combination of diet and exercise. You should avoid fatty, sugar and oily foods at all costs. You should avoid fast foods like burgers and chips and also pastries, confectionaries, desserts and pastries. You should in fact include plenty of vegetables, fruits and salads in your diet. Include high protein foods like pulses. Also you should limit your consumption of alcohol to just once a month. You should also drink lots of water as water improves blood circulation and also keeps your skin healthy. You can start with light cardiovascular exercises like walking, stationary cycle, swimming, etc. Then you can proceed to doing heavier exercises like weight lifting and weight training. You should keep yourself physically active throughout the day. You can climb uphill or climb the stairs to your apartment.

The most important thing is to keeping yourself motivated. It is observed many people start their weight loss program with lots of enthusiasm but soon lose interest and are back to their own ways. You can also consult your dietician or doctor on how to lose weight. The dietician will generally work up a weight loss program for you after studying your case. It is normally a weekly or a monthly program on how to lose weight. If you follow the program exactly as recommend by the doctor then you can lose weight quickly.